Title: The Roan Pairing: Eowyn/??? Rating: R Warnings: see below Disclaimer: These characters, written for fun, bear no relationship to Tolkien’s originals - other than in their ghostly outlines. Notes: This is for
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Alex, thank you, thank you, thank you for this fic! It's wonderfully sensual and rich with detail. It's full of passion and feeling. It's delightfully pervy and hot as hell.
Did I mention I love horses? I took riding lessons as a teen and was very close to my parents agreeing to get me a horse, so all the detail (while wonderously wicked) also totally hit my horsey kinks of both the kinky and non-kinky kinds.
Also, while I'm a Gondor-girl all the way from PJ's movies, it was Rohan that I loved most in the books.
It was a pleasure to write this. I'm so pleased that it worked for you and thank you for your kind words.
I was nervous about tackling the kink, but I figured that some of Rohan's oldest/most personal traditions must be built around their life with the horses. I tried to do some research into Ponyplay but wasn't finding much about ponyboys. Nevertheless, I liked the idea of Ponyboy!Faramir, so I tried to work through the kind of 'join up' that trainers use to gain trust and a working relationship with horses that haven't been handled before.
In the event, once I got going, it became a really interesting process to try to track the developing relationship between the 'horse' and the woman he comes to know as his mistress.
Wow, that was unexpected and hot! You certainly pull us right into the "training"! Very detailed and all working toward that point of him becoming hers.
Thankyou for reading and letting me know it worked for you. I think I became most interested in the emotional connection between two people who were exploring. Within this safe, private, space could they let go of all the outside 'stuff' and strip their expectations/emotions/ego back to a simpler, elemental level, within which there was a different kind of freedom.
*chuckles* Glad to hear it worked for you. There was a point at which I wondered whether I should alert the reader immediately to the nature of the horse, by putting 'Ponyboy!Faramir' into the header somewhere, but on the other hand, I liked the idea of perhaps some readers not realising until later who the horse was and then going back and seeing that I hadn't actually used any vocabulary about the Roan that we don't also use for human beings, from "unshod feet" onward. Thanks for reading and feeding back.
Yes, I used "clever" for a reason....couldn't believe you got away with it all until I went back and read it though with the knowledge of who/what it was. :)
Wow!...welll umm...I can't think of a thing to say..LOL...this was delightful. I wondered at first but then it didn't really hit me until the very end who the roan was.
This was all about trust to me. Knowing the limits and trusting your partner.
Thankyou for reading it and for feeding back to me. It's much appreciated. I absolutely agree with you, it's certainly about trust, but I think it's also about partners exploring limits in ways that both can feel secure in, even as they're pushing at the edges.
Comments 15
Did I mention I love horses? I took riding lessons as a teen and was very close to my parents agreeing to get me a horse, so all the detail (while wonderously wicked) also totally hit my horsey kinks of both the kinky and non-kinky kinds.
Also, while I'm a Gondor-girl all the way from PJ's movies, it was Rohan that I loved most in the books.
Thank you so much!!!! ^_^
I was nervous about tackling the kink, but I figured that some of Rohan's oldest/most personal traditions must be built around their life with the horses. I tried to do some research into Ponyplay but wasn't finding much about ponyboys. Nevertheless, I liked the idea of Ponyboy!Faramir, so I tried to work through the kind of 'join up' that trainers use to gain trust and a working relationship with horses that haven't been handled before.
In the event, once I got going, it became a really interesting process to try to track the developing relationship between the 'horse' and the woman he comes to know as his mistress.
This was all about trust to me. Knowing the limits and trusting your partner.
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