"Her blood was his blood... and his blood was tainted"

Nov 05, 2008 00:19

I wrote fic!!

Title: Bonded by Blood
Author: lotr_lemmy
Rating: G
Word Count: 730
Beta Acknowledgment: tahirire
Summary: AU. Sam struggles with the idea of being a father and what it means that his daughter has the same blood that runs through his veins.

Everything about her was normal and perfect. )

my writing, supernatural

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Comments 13

shadow_of_doubt November 5 2008, 14:07:58 UTC
Ohhh, I love this!! Who is the mother supposed to be and what happened to her?


lotr_lemmy November 5 2008, 14:30:01 UTC
*shrugs* :) Who knows?

It might have something to do with:

This or This *which has potential starting at 1:38*

Both are extremely fun AU universes :P The first one by tahirire *she's already claimed fic as canon in her universe* and the second by me and a friend.

I'm really glad you liked it!!



tahirire November 5 2008, 14:13:28 UTC

*smishes Sam and Persephone*


Oh yeah, and Dean, too.


*passes out from EEE*


lotr_lemmy November 5 2008, 14:31:22 UTC
:) *hugs* Thanks for the REC!


strangelyweird November 5 2008, 14:55:04 UTC
The ending makes me smile everytime! It's just too adorable!

Just picturing the two of them holding a baby is enough to make anyone smile he hee.

Well I better go continue to work on my biology paper since it is due tomorrow. I wrote the abstract. Now the only thing I really need to come up with is the introduction because the methods and results are all in my lab book as is the conclusion. YAY for that! Hopefully I can have in done before I have to go to class *fingers crossed* That way I can come up tonight!

"Sam and Castiel make a Porno...but not Sam Winchester, Sam R" HAHAHA! I amuse even myself sometimes.

PS - I had no dreams with any leakage last night LOL Becca!


lotr_lemmy November 5 2008, 15:01:55 UTC
:) I'm glad you liked it! Becca liked it too *SQUEE!*

*points to icon*

I need to look over my gym notes again. Silly test. I did find a scantron! YAY!

*giggles insanely* No comment hahahahahahahahahaha


Very good! shortbutlethal November 5 2008, 18:27:05 UTC
But I already read it and I LOVED it!! I didn't know you guys were gonna go see that movie, I REALLY wanna see it too. I hope it's really good...


Re: Very good! lotr_lemmy November 5 2008, 23:04:21 UTC
:) Yeah Gary and I were planning on seeing it at some point when we talked about it last week. I'm sure it will be awesome cause I mean... KEVIN SMITH!

Anyways, I'm glad you had a chance to read this! and I'm glad you liked it!


aja_evenstar November 15 2008, 10:37:22 UTC
Aww, this was way too adorable *loves everything about the world right now*

I saved this link a while ago to read when i got time, so sorry if this comment is like... out of nowhere lol.

But i LOVE how you wrote Sam as a dad. Because he probably would act exactly like that. I mean, we all know he wanted a normal life and whatnot, but after having done through everything he's experienced, he probably wouldn't know how to go back to anything normal.

And i really liked how Dean helped him out, harkening back to what he knew about babies when Sammy was young ;)

My favourite line:

"She's got Winchester blood in her veins, Sammy. That's all that matters."


Loved it =D =D


lotr_lemmy November 15 2008, 16:56:55 UTC
:) Thank you so much for this comment!!

I'm really glad you liked how I wrote Sam. I'm don't usually like sharing my fic, but reading comments like this makes me feel a bit better about my work!.

I also love that line! Even though "Her blood was his blood and his blood was tainted." is my favorite.

Thanks so much again!!!


tahirire December 11 2008, 23:28:43 UTC
*stalks old comments in other people's journals*

Yes, I am that bored. Hee.

ISN'T SAM JUST SO DARN CUTE WITH LIL' PERSEPHONE!??? He's gonna freak the first time her eyes go white

*is evil*


aja_evenstar December 11 2008, 23:48:26 UTC
It took me so long to remember what my comment you replied to was for hahahaha.

Sam is the cutest cute that was every cute on earth!

LOL just because your cross something out doesn't cancel its existance!!
You dark-minded woman ;)
I love everything you hide under that thin back line...


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