Author: Larner
Title: Heirs in Waiting
Rating: G
Theme: Waiting
Elements: Otho would have been Bilbo's heir, but for the adoption of Frodo. He read the will carefully and snorted. It was, unfortunately, very clear and correct (according to the legal customs of hobbits, which demand among other things seven signatures of witnesses in red ink
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Comments 11
You come up with interesting explanations why Otho and Lobelia were so obsessed with Bag End.
Tolkien indicates that the wives often, perhaps usually, shared the duties of family headship with their husbands, and that after the death of her husband she insisted on remaining the Took rather than surrendering that duty to Fermumbras along with the title of the Thain when her husband and his father died. As she was born a Clayhanger, it appears she hated to give up all of the signs of rank she'd gathered to herself on marrying as she'd done; and now it appears that Lobelia Bracegirdle Sackville-Baggins has similar ambitions. Heh!
And what can I say, other than that great minds tend to think alike? Heh!
But I have always enjoyed the thought of the S-Bs comeuppance when they are finally denied their wishes!
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