February 2016 Challenge: Fandom Favorites Rec Challenge

Feb 15, 2016 16:27

This month we are doing something completely different. Instead of a story, this month we will honor International Fanworks Month with our very first rec challenge, called "Fandom Favorites ( Read more... )

month: 2016 february, announcement, challenge: fandom favorites

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Comments 11

Rec Challenge - Kaylee Arafinwiel kayleelupin February 15 2016, 22:59:14 UTC

Title of fic or work: Isildurchil Dithen
URL link to story or work: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3493874/chapters/7677008
Rating: Teen +
Content Advisory:
Story Summary:

Shares the premise of Susana Rosa's "Desperate Hours" AU. What if, unknowingly to both father and son, Aragorn was Faramir's true sire?

After Finduilas dies, five-year-old Faramir plans to run away. But he won't get far on his own...until aid unlooked-for comes to him. Adventure calls as he makes his way North in the company of his kinsmen.

Complete or WIP: WIP
Reason for recommendation: I'm hoping to continue this story during B2MEM. I'm rather fond of it. :)


Title of fic: Elf Academy 4 - The Unfinished Tales
Author name: Fiondil
URL link to story: http://storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=7434
Content Advisory:
Story Summary: The ( ... )


illusionndream February 17 2016, 10:05:15 UTC


Title of fic or work: The Wizard in Distress
URL link to story or work: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3217772
Rating: G
Content Advisory: Slash
Story Summary: Saruman discovers that his feelings for Gandalf are more than just friendly.
Characters: Gandalf the Grey, Saruman the White
Complete or WIP: Complete
Reason for recommendation: It's my only other LoTR fic, and I really like this pairing. Probably could have been better, maybe I will redo it someday.


Title of fic: Walt Disney Presents: The Lord of the Rings
Author name: jules14
URL link to story: http://www.lotrfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=9145&index=1
Rating: G
Content Advisory: None
Story Summary: Exactly what it says in the title: if The Lord of the Rings was adapted for the screen by Walt Disney Pictures instead of Peter Jackson.
Characters: Frodo, Gandalf, Arwen, Aragorn, Sam ( ... )


dreamflower02 February 19 2016, 23:32:31 UTC

Title of fic or work: Eleventy-one: Too Short a Time, Book One, The First Fifty Years
URL link to story or work: At Ao3:http://archiveofourown.org/works/1080436/chapters/2171491 (I chose this because is has all the lovely art by baranduin and knowmefirst, but it is also posted at Many Paths to Tread, Stories of Arda and FFN.
Rating: PG
Content Advisory: For child-birth, a bit of violence and also for canonical character deaths.
Story Summary: For one-hundred-and-eleven years, Bilbo Baggins dwelt in Bag End, in Hobbiton of the Shire, save for a brief journey into the Wide World. This is the story from his birth until he leaves on his first Adventure.
Characters: Bilbo Baggins and all of his friends and relatives.
Complete or WIP: Complete
Reason for recommendation: I had so much fun researching and writing this story of Bilbo, trying to fit in all the events that made him grow up into the hobbit he became, to explain why he seemed so timid to begin with, ( ... )


hhimring February 21 2016, 20:52:13 UTC


Title of fic or work: The Bequest
URL link to story or work: http://www.lotrgfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=3535
Rating: PG
Content Advisory: Warnings for reference to canonical character death (not violent), canonical grief and (very obliquely) to canonical aftermath of torture
Story Summary: After Aragorn's death, Arwen takes leave of one of her daughters
Characters: Arwen Undómiel & one of her daughters
Complete or WIP: Complete
Reason for recommendation: Arwen is a character that I don't often write but may be of special interest to this community. I've been told this came out well (also, it's recent)

Title of fic: Let Them Sing Our Praises When We've Gone
Author name: URL link to story: http://www.lotrgfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=3458
Rating: PG13
Content Advisory: 5. mild sexual content, 6. adult themes
Story Summary: Barahir and Emeldir try to hold ( ... )


indy1776 February 23 2016, 02:07:13 UTC

Title of fic or work: Rise Again From Ashes
URL link to story or work: http://www.silmarillionwritersguild.org/archive/home/viewstory.php?sid=930&index=1
Rating: Teens
Content Advisory: Language, mild violence, some mild sexuality between a married couple
Story Summary: After spending millennia wandering Middle-earth, Maglor returns to Valinor, where he attempts to adjust to both his Valar-imposed restrictions and living once more with the Eldar.
Characters: Maglor, Elrond, Glorfindel, others
Complete or WIP: Complete at 61,048 words.
Reason for recommendation: It's my favorite fic that I've written.


Title of fic: New Year's Night
Author name: Elleth
URL link to story: http://www.silmarillionwritersguild.org/archive/home/viewstory.php?sid=2684
Rating: Teens
Content Advisory: None listed.
... )


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