EVERYTHING'S MAGIC: a trio video

Jan 31, 2008 01:41

fandom: harry potter.
characters: harry, ron, hermione.
ship: none.
song: everything's magic, by angels & airwaves.

vid specifications: format is NTSC DV (720x480, 29.970 fps). duration is 00:03:50. contains footage from all five theater-released movies, including deleted scenes and one behind-the-scenes clip from a TV show capture. footage from movies 1-4 was obtained from this website (thank you very much!). footage from movie 5 was ripped by me. file type is .wmv and file size on disk is 48.3 MB.

song choice explanation: well, the magic thing does go well with harry potter, right? and i liked that the song basically says "hey, there's been some bad moments in our lives, but we're together now and that makes everything alright." seemed fitting for the trio, who have always been stronger together.

production notes: i wanted to have ron in one of my vids. so sue me xD

technical chatter: it took me a while to think up another video to make, but here it is. it took about four whole days, spanning several weeks of work, just a little while each day. and that is A LOT to say, since i wasn't even ripping my own clips-- that is, simply putting together the video, plus the effects, took a hell of a lot longer than normal. probably because the song was so fast paced, and i wanted to try so many new tricks, that it involved way too much cutting and pasting and slicing clips, not to mention that i had to use an insane amount of clips as it was, since the cuts were all so close together. the reverse was the hardest part to do, but well worth it, and not terribly problematic once i got the hang of it. i tried to match the clips with the lyrics of the song, or the feelings each verse was trying to convey. i also tried not to repeat movies-- as in, if one verse was assigned a clip from one movie, the next verse couldn't use that same movie as well; that took a lot of thinking on my part. i also tried my best to use clips in which they didn't talk, but that's an entirely impossible task... still, i got away with only a minimum of talking, which is a great accomplishment for me and my forgetful memory. it was really hard to remember when and where they had scenes in which they weren't talking too much. BTW, the very first chorus is the best part of the whole video; the other two just don't compare.

post-production reflections: i rather like this one, probably because the song is just so catchy, or just plain because i love the trio =3 *glomps* i feel like i successfully completed a personal challenge, which is good. as for my future projects, i'll be out of town for the whole of next week, without an internet connection but i'll take my DVDs with me, so maybe i'll have time to work on something. i'm almost ready to go with a robin/marian video, i've already got the song and everything ready. i was also thinking of doing something for gundam wing-- i have the song chosen as well, but that vid in particular is dauting simply because of the seer amount of ripping i'll have to do, and i don't fancy re-watching the whole 49 episodes to look for good clips. i probably will work on a ryan/calleigh vid as soon as i catch up to the last few episodes of this season, but that might take a while. for now, be on the lookout for the robin/marian video, that's sure to be my next one.

other issues of importance: watch the video in a small resolution! a few clips from the deleted scenes, as well as the one behind-the-scenes clip, were a bit pixelly even before editing, so it'll look better at a small res.

disclaimer: harry potter and all associated names, scenes, etc., are property of j.k. rowling and warner bros., inc.

watch video:


please, if you have a youtube account, leave your comments in the video's youtube page. if you don't have a youtube account, feel free to comment here, in this post.

character: harry potter, character: hermione granger, song: everything's magic, fandom: harry potter, artist: angels & airwaves, character: ron weasley

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