Fic - Your Father's Son - Harry Potter - PG

Aug 06, 2011 15:57

Title: Your Father’s Son
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Teddy Lupin, Remus Lupin
Summary: A 2nd-person character study of Teddy Lupin and his relationship with his father.
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~750

You know, from photographs, that you look like your father when you’re not concentrating, when you’re not trying to look like anyone other than yourself. )

genre: gen, character: remus lupin, genre: angst, rating: pg, fandom: harry potter, character: teddy lupin, fic

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Comments 4

whitmans_kiss August 6 2011, 15:46:34 UTC
Oh, my heart, oh my heart my heart how you have broken it.

The mix of resentment and fascination is done in a lovely balance, here, and it's the same words Teddy hears over and over but never tell him anything, really. "Kind" can only tell you so much about a person, and it's almost a useless word, isn't it?

The end is strong. Dear Teddy, dear thing.


lotherington August 6 2011, 18:43:35 UTC
Thank you for such a lovely comment, my darling! I was definitely aiming for a mix of resentment and curiosity, because I'd feel both of those things in abundance if my parents had buggered off to fight in a battle when I was a couple of weeks old. Poor Teddy. There's such potential with his character.


the_realduck August 19 2011, 08:56:18 UTC
Hello! :)
I just stumbled upon this, and I had to take a moment to comment and tell you that this is simply breathtaking. Oh Teddy, I *ache* for him, because it's true, Remus was very self contained. I love every part of this fic, and I think your characterizations are spot on :)


lotherington August 19 2011, 16:58:44 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! It's really kind of you to comment, I'm thrilled you enjoyed this. :) I love imagining how Teddy might have turned out - I think he's got the potential to be a very interesting character! Thank you again for the lovely comment. <3


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