”пока на нее не полился расплавленный свинец” - от расплавленного свинца ни какая одежда не спасёт, болевой шок с последующим утопанием обеспечен, скорее всего свинец лился рядом. А разделась, наверное, что бы не утонуть в одежде. Однако женщине повезло, в октябре вода в Атлантике прохладная. Этой истории про Трафальгар я не слышал. Спасибо.
Со свинцом может быть не точность перевода, или увернулась... Одежда, естественно, будет мешать, Поэтому, морская форма продумана так, что бы её легко можно было снять в воде.
Не поток, а капли свинца (которым было обито перо руля), но тоже малоприятно. Я поискал рассказ в оригинале (чем меньше пересказчиков, тем лучше).
A very remarkable incident is on record in connexion with the burning of the " Achille."
One of those rescued by the British boats was a young Frenchwoman. The story of her extraordinary escape is thus told in the words of a lieutenant of the " Revenge," on board which ship the woman was taken :
"Towards the conclusion of the battle the French 80-gun ship Achille, after surrendering, caught fire on the booms. The poor fellows belonging to her, as the only chance of saving their lives, leaped overboard, having first stripped off their clothes, that they might be the better able to swim to any pieces of floating wreck or to the boats of the ships sent by those nearest at hand to their rescue. As the boats filled, they proceeded to the Pickle schooner, and, after discharging their freight into that vessel, returned for more. The schooner was soon crowded to excess, and, therefore, transferred
( ... )
" ' Jeannette,' which was the only name by which I ever knew her, thus related to me the circumstances. She said she was stationed during the action in the passage of the fore-magazine, to assist in handing up the powder, which employment lasted till the surrender of the ship. When the firing ceased, she ascended to the lower deck, and endeavoured to get up to the main deck, to search for her husband, but the ladders having been all removed, or shot away, she found this impracticable ; and just at this time an alarm of fire spread through the ship, so that she could get no assistance. The fire originated upon the upper deck, and gradually burnt downwards. Her feelings upon this occasion cannot be described : but death from all quarters stared her in the face. The fire, which soon burnt fiercely, precluded the possibility of her escaping by moving from where she was, and no friendly counsellor was by with whom to advise. She remained wandering to and fro upon the lower deck, among the mangled corses of the dying and the slain, until
( ... )
Comments 8
”пока на нее не полился расплавленный свинец” - от расплавленного свинца ни какая одежда не спасёт, болевой шок с последующим утопанием обеспечен, скорее всего свинец лился рядом. А разделась, наверное, что бы не утонуть в одежде. Однако женщине повезло, в октябре вода в Атлантике прохладная. Этой истории про Трафальгар я не слышал. Спасибо.
Со свинцом может быть не точность перевода, или увернулась... Одежда, естественно, будет мешать, Поэтому, морская форма продумана так, что бы её легко можно было снять в воде.
Не поток, а капли свинца (которым было обито перо руля), но тоже малоприятно. Я поискал рассказ в оригинале (чем меньше пересказчиков, тем лучше).
A very remarkable incident is on record in connexion with the burning of the " Achille."
One of those rescued by the British boats was a young Frenchwoman. The story of her extraordinary escape is thus told in the words of a lieutenant of the " Revenge," on board which ship the woman was taken :
"Towards the conclusion of the battle the French 80-gun ship Achille, after surrendering, caught fire on the booms. The poor fellows belonging to her, as the only chance of saving their lives, leaped overboard, having first stripped off their clothes, that they might be the better able to swim to any pieces of floating wreck or to the boats of the ships sent by those nearest at hand to their rescue. As the boats filled, they proceeded to the Pickle schooner, and, after discharging their freight into that vessel, returned for more. The schooner was soon crowded to excess, and, therefore, transferred ( ... )
" ' Jeannette,' which was the only name by which I ever knew her, thus related to me the circumstances. She said she was stationed during the action in the passage of the fore-magazine, to assist in handing up the powder, which employment lasted till the surrender of the ship. When the firing ceased, she ascended to the lower deck, and endeavoured to get up to the main deck, to search for her husband, but the ladders having been all removed, or shot away, she found this impracticable ; and just at this time an alarm of fire spread through the ship, so that she could get no assistance. The fire originated upon the upper deck, and gradually burnt downwards. Her feelings upon this occasion cannot be described : but death from all quarters stared her in the face. The fire, which soon burnt fiercely, precluded the possibility of her escaping by moving from where she was, and no friendly counsellor was by with whom to advise. She remained wandering to and fro upon the lower deck, among the mangled corses of the dying and the slain, until ( ... )
Художник пренебрег законами оптики, чтобы изобразить стройные ножки. В реальности вода бы их визуально укоротила и исказила. Простим!
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