Title: If Not by Choice (1/?)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Derek/Jackson
Spoilers: Season 1
Warnings: Slash, possible Canon-timeline mistakes.
Word Count: 3218 words
Disclaimer: Oh, how I wish they were mine. But nothing here belongs to me, except for the plot.
Summary: He'd have to go and take a look at those marks, make sure he was just worrying too
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Comments 7
Or else he was in big, big trouble. And not just because he'd have to fuck a teenage boy.
Next chapter please???!
Hehe, soon. Tomorrow, give people a little time to read first. I was hoping to finish the fic today and then post it in one go but didn't make it. I'm working on it every day and I have more posted on the kink meme already, if you want to go look there.
YOU.ARE.MEAN. but I love you anyway <3333
*runs to the kink meme*
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