It reminded me of being in Japan. All the little indiosyncracies you might miss had you not been there before, like the cigarette vending machines behind Bill Murray on a street corner; the automated message on the subway trains; the white-gloved Taxi drivers; dozens of transfixed teens worshipping before Pachinko machines.
I first caught it on pay TV without really trying to (I had watched and loved "The Virgin Suicides", but blamed that on having loved the book already and not so much on Sofia Coppola, so I wasn't desperate to see her next; my love for Bill Murray was going through a phase of total absence, as well and only really broke through again because of it) on a long night I had to stay up through. My main memory from that night is the Suntory commercial, but what really got me hooked to the film was that something came up and I couldn't watch the end and I never did see it for half a year or so even if I did come across the film again on TV. Shortly after I had seen it I finally bought the DVD, too, and it's just become one of my favourites for all its pastel urban dreamlikeness, for the soundtrack that works so perfectly with that, and it's definitely one of my favourite performances by Bill Murray, certainly my favourite by Scarlett Johansson.
Comments 2
It's just an amazing film.
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