Another small crisis ... and some cute kid stuff

Jan 11, 2007 01:46

Emily at the hospital again
Very early Sunday morning, we are awaken by Emily crying. She was throwing up and writhing in pain. After some time trying to comfort her, seeing if Tylenol would work and learning that she was not even keeping clear fluids down, Sydney took Emily to the Emergency Room.

They put her on IV fluids and gave her morphine for the pain. Her white blood counts were normal, so it did not look like an infection. A ultrasound showed swelling in Emily's intestines, so their first diagnosis was to say that perhaps it was a bowel obstruction. They admitted her to the hospital later that afternoon.

On Monday, Emily pooped which might rule out a bowel obstruction and they were still waiting on more tests. She was still vomiting and unable to keep down liquids other than water. The doctors put her on an anti-vomiting medication. They were also were trying to figure out if they wanted to do a MRI or CT to see what the problem was. I think they settled on a more thorough ultrasound, also to look at the condition of Emily's Mesocaval shunt. I believe they did the ultrasound on Tuesday. The ultrasound came out perfect. Meanwhile her white blood count dropped, so it looked like just a really bad stomach flu.

Sydney stayed with her the whole time and I stayed home with Summer and Abigail. Mom was out of town, so I had to call off work since it would have been impossible to find somebody to babysit for an overnight shift. Emily was discharged Wednesday evening after she was able to keep down solid food.

I am glad it was not anything too serious. On the other hand, her pain was so bad it she needed morphine and needed IV fluids since she was vomiting everything. I thought that Emily was done with being sick and needing to go to the hospital. But, Emily is home! She was playing, but was still a little fussy.

I had to go into work tonight since I could not miss another night. I wish I could just go to sleep. got into a "regular" sleep pattern while taking care of the kids and now I am back to working nights again. I have been up since 7am and will be up for 24 hours before getting home from work. Summer and Abby ran me tired. It was nice to spend more time with them, however it is a lot of work.

At home with the kids
We had our first snow on Monday. After some house work, I bundled Summer and Abby up and went for a walk in the stroller. I dropped off the late rent check and then went to the play ground across the street from our apartment. Summer was so excited to play in the snow. She wanted to make a snowman so bad, but it had not snowed enough. On Tuesday, we went out again. This time they both ran around a bit. I cleared the snow off the slide and they both had fun.

Also on Tuesday, Summer was talking to her mother on the phone and babbling on. Summer said with much importance that she had to get her paycheck and go to the store. Funny the things they pick up. I told Summer that she was too young to work, but those two parts did not connect for her. So with paper, crayons and scissors I made a play paycheck and some play money. I made three "quarters" and all of the bills were $6 denominations (a inside joke).

I gave her the check and told her to go to the bank. I went into the kitchen and used the baby gate as the counter. She gave me the check and I handed her the money. Summer then requested her paycheck back and I had trouble explaining that to get the money she has to give the bank the paycheck and she does not get it back. We then proceeded in her room as her grocery store and put her toy food on the shelves. She picked out what she wanted and took it to her bed. I used her Leap Pad as a cash register and the pen was the bar code scanner. I rang up the total and Summer gave me the play money. I gave Summer her play food in a small bag and she then wanted her money back. I then had a hard time explaining that you have to pay for food and you do not get your money back.

Wednesday, we did not go outside because I had a headache was was being grumpy. But I did let Summer play beauty shop. She combed my hair and pretended to cut it. The worst part was she commented on all the "snow" in my hair. (sigh)

the rest
I guess now with three days unpaid family time off, I will not be taking a vacation anytime soon. I feel like I still need one. I am burning my candle on both ends.

Still no online at home. We are starting catch up on bills. I figure when we get our tax returns we will get everything paid off and I will start the cable and Internet again. So, that mean I we will be online in February or March.

I am starting to write a little bit everyday. It makes me feel good that this is something I can do while the kids are running around. If a story is left undone, I would only consider it practice. I was thinking starting a writing journal here on LJ to post these practices and some of my unpublished stuff from before.

Now, I have to catch up on everybody's LJ ...

emily's health, my job, diary, summer, places of residence, abigail

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