Damn the Man (J2, PG13)

Jul 07, 2007 22:58

Title: Damn the Man
Author: lostt1
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 16,500
Warning: Language. Abuse of movie quotes.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I just like to play with them every once in awhile.
Summary: Empire Records, open til midnight.
Notes: For reel_spn, I changed up Empire Records, which is one of my favorite movies. Basic structure (and a lot of quotes) are the same. Some things have obviously changed. Thanks to __tiana__ and keepaofthecheez for acting as my sounding board and reading things over as I went along. I love you both!

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Poster | Soundtrack

Jensen sighed and leaned forward, flinching slightly as the horn echoed in quiet suburbia. He rested his head on the steering wheel with a low growl of frustration. If he didn't...care about Jared, he'd probably kill the bastard for making him wait. Normally Jensen wouldn't freak out about being a little late to work. But this wasn't any ordinary day. This was the day after Jeff finally let Chad close the store on his own. And Jensen had a sinking feeling deep in his gut that something was horribly wrong.

"Hey man," Jared broke into Jensen's thoughts as he catapulted over the door of the convertible and slid down into the passenger seat.

Jensen allowed himself a moment to admire those long legs tucked under the dash before tearing his eyes away. "What took you so long?" Jensen asked his best friend. "You know if you needed someone to hold it for you..." Jensen's voice trailed off. Not going there. So not going there.

He glanced to his right just in time to catch the slight narrowing of slanted eyes before Jared broke out the wide, easy grin, dimples flashing. Jensen sucked in a breath and wondered if anyone else would ever come close to affecting him the way that Jared did. Somehow he doubted it. He and Jared had been best friends forever but Jensen had wanted him for an eternity.

"...almost ran into a tree thanks to that asshole," Jared rambled on, oblivious to Jensen's wandering mind. Jensen grunted, unsure of what his response should be. He figured he had guessed right when Jared kept right on going, words flowing from his mouth like water in a stream. "Oh! And then I almost forgot this!"

Jensen cut his eyes to the right and groaned. Jared held up a small poster of singing sensation Sandra "Sexy Sandy" McCoy. Her smiling face stared back at him through clear plastic. "Fucking Sandy McCoy Day," he muttered. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten.

"Yeah, well I promised Megan that I would get this autographed for her," Jared said, waving the poster in Jensen's direction.

"Right," Jensen drawled. "It's for Megan."

Jared glared at him for a minute before the smile broke through once again. "It is!"

"So that's why you're going in to work early?" Jensen asked. "And here I thought it was to spend more time with me before leaving for the bright lights of Hollywood."

"Aw, Jen, Hollywood ain't got nothin' on you," Jared shrugged and bit at his lower lip. "'Sides, it's not like I've heard back from my agent yet."

Jensen stared at the road, watching the slate gray tinted with yellow rush past in a steady blur. He didn't trust himself to talk just yet. Jared was his best friend and he really hoped that all of his dreams would come true. Selfishly, though, he wanted to keep Jared to himself. "I'm sure you'll get it."

If Jared noticed the rough edge to Jensen's voice, he didn't mention it.


It took Jared approximately fifteen seconds from the time Jensen pulled up alongside the store to know that something was off. He caught sight of spiky blond hair and the flash of chrome and his eyes shot heavenward. Dear god, what did I do to deserve this?

Jared sighed and climbed out of the car. He sauntered over to Chad and nudged him with the toe of his shoe. Chad just snorted in his sleep and buried his head further into his arms.

Jensen walked up behind him and quirked an eyebrow in Jared's direction. Jared only held a finger to his lips, signaling his friend to remain silent. Jensen shrugged and leaned against the brick, squinting slightly in the early morning sunlight. Jared noticed how green Jensen's eyes looked in the bright light, his friend's gaze intense as he watched with mild curiosity. Jared smiled and turned back towards the sleeping man.

"Yo Chad, wake the fuck up!" Jared brought his foot up and kicked Chad in the thigh.

Chad swayed back and forth as he struggled to shake himself from sleep. "Ow, man, what the hell?"

"So, wanna tell us what happened last night?" Jared asked, not wanting to beat around the bush. He stared hard at the man in front of him, scanning him from head to toe, trying to decide what was causing him to feel a bit queasy.

Chad ran a hand through his blond hair, looking anywhere Jared wasn't. When Jared realized that Chad wasn't going to answer, he kicked at the black rubber tire, mere inches from Chad's foot.

"Hey man, watch the ride," Chad glared at Jared. "Guys dig this bike and I don't want you messin' with it."

Jared rolled his eyes. "It's a fucking ten-speed, Chad. How do you ever get laid?"

Jensen started laughing but quickly attempted to mask it with a weak cough. Chad looked down at his feet, his jaw set in a firm line. He took a deep breath and met Jared's eyes. "I got in a little trouble last night in Atlantic City."

"And what's his name?" Jensen smirked, pulling away from the wall and moving to stand beside Jared. Jared focused on Chad's expression, watched as his eyes twitched back and forth, and tried to ignore the warm body practically pressed up against his side.

"Look," Chad sighed. "If you guys ever wonder if it was nice to know you, I tell you now that it was."

"What," Jared began but Chad hopped up on his bike and began pedaling, ignoring the question before it was fully formed. Jared watched as the retreating figure got smaller and smaller before finally turning to Jensen. "Oh shit."

"What?" Jensen asked, once again raising an eyebrow. Jared tilted his head to the side and wondered for a moment how Jensen always managed to bring his eyebrow to a perfect point.

Jensen was staring at him with a look of confusion. He quickly shook his head, trying to focus. "Chad went to Atlantic City? On the first night he closed alone?"

"Yeah," Jensen agreed. "So?"

Jared shot Jensen a pointed look. "When have you ever known Chad to get lucky? Hell, when have you ever known him to have money in the first place?"

Jensen pursed his lips in thought. Jared could tell the exact moment it hit him. "Oh fuck."

"Yeah," Jared drawled. He nodded his head toward the building and together, they made their way to the entrance.

They had barely made it two feet before they were assaulted by Mike. "Boys!" he cried, throwing his arms around their shoulders. "Why the long faces?"

Jensen pulled out from under Mike's arm and nudged him in the side. "I'll make this easy for you. Chad. Close. Atlantic City."

Jared tried to duck away from Mike but the other man just tightened his grip around his neck, pulling Jared's head downward. "Chad. Close. At..." he repeated.

Jared held out three fingers and began the count down. Three...Two... he mouthed the words at Jensen, pointing at Mike when he got to one.


Jared laughed. And he kept right on laughing until Jeff pulled up.

"Just be cool guys," Jensen ordered, his voice barely more than a whisper. "We don't know anything, got it?"

Jared could only nod his head in agreement as he finally managed to break free of Mike's headlock. He shoved Mike away from him as he turned toward his boss. "Hey Jeff!"

Jared was nothing if not friendly. Always friendly.

Jeff's only response was to narrow his eyes at the three men in front of the store. He stepped around them and unlocked the door before pushing his way inside. Still without a word, he turned toward his employees and ushered them into the building with a sweeping wave.

The phone began ringing almost immediately after Jared stepped inside the music store's cool interior. He took a quick moment to inhale, relishing the scent of worn vinyl. Jared loved this store. It was a second home to him and every other person lucky enough to work here.

"Someone going to answer that?" Jeff finally spoke, moving towards the back.

The three guys looked at each other and shrugged. "Not on the clock," Jared said, waving a hand in the air and following Jeff.

"I need to help him settle in, make sure he's well fed," Jensen said quickly.

"Dammit!" Mike reached for the phone. "Empire Records, open 'til midnight. This is Mike."

Jared almost made it to the back when Mike called out, "Jeff! Bank!"

Jeff turned and sighed, making his way back to the front. "You boys just go get things started." He grabbed the receiver and began talking just as the phone rang again. Jeff nodded at Mike.

"Empire Records." Mike's eyes grew wide. "Sorry. Empire Records, open 'til midnight, this is Mike." Boss. he mouthed, lips stretched so wide it was almost comical.


Jared took one look at Jensen and the two of them dashed into the back room, not wanting to eavesdrop. Jared swung down onto the sofa as Jensen made his way to the table. They only had a minute to settle in before Jeff stormed across the room and into his office.

Mike slid down onto the sofa next to Jared and leaned closer. "Someone's in trouble," he whispered in a soft sing-song voice.

"Mother fucker!" Jeff slammed his office door open, the glass shaking with the impact. He glared at his employees and Jared felt rooted to the spot, unable to look away.

Oh yeah, today was going to be a great day.


"Hey Jeff, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jensen stuck his head into the office, glancing around to make sure that they were alone.

Jeff sighed and rubbed a hand across his face. He looked tired, older somehow. There were dark shadows under his eyes and his shoulders sagged with an invisible weight. He motioned at the seat across from him and waited.

Jensen slid into the soft leather chair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I have to tell Jared how I feel about him. How do I do that?"

Jeff stared at Jensen and slouched down in his seat. "My wife left me for another woman and my girlfriend forced me to leave at gunpoint. Do you even think I'm qualified to dispense advice on the subject?"

Jensen returned the stare, not exactly sure what to say. He glanced away, looking around the office. Jeff had an extensive collection of classic rock posters displayed on every available surface of the wall. His drums, his pride and joy, sat gathering dust next to the desk. Jensen frowned, wondering how long it had been since he last heard Jeff play.

Jeff cleared his throat, getting Jensen's attention. "What?" Jensen asked before remembering Jeff's question. "Oh yeah, definitely."

"So you're finally going to tell him," Jeff said.

Jensen could see the look of disbelief in his eyes but heard the soft words of encouragement left unsaid. He swallowed hard, palms sweating at the thought of opening up to Jared completely, telling him what he had hidden for years. "Yeah, so how do I do that?"

"You say, 'I love you,'" Jeff told him, amusement dancing in his eyes. "What do you want? Written instructions?"

Jensen ignored the question, trying hard not to pout. The idea of telling Jared the truth terrified him. He worried that it would mess up their friendship, that Jared would laugh at him, or worse, that he would freak out and never speak to him again. Jensen just wanted Jeff to give him a better idea of what to say.

Jeff turned his attention to the book in front of him. "So, today?"

"By noon," Jensen replied before catching sight of the clock on the wall. Nine thirty. Noon was too soon. He still needed to prepare what he was going to say, how he would say it. "By noon or one. By 1:37 exactly."

Jeff chuckled and glanced up. "Good luck," he said before looking back down at the tiny rows of numbers.

Jensen could tell he had lost Jeff's attention. Of course, Jeff had other things to worry about. Namely Chad and the missing money. Jensen stood up. "Uh, I'll go get the store ready to open," he said, motioning to the area behind him.

Jeff grunted in response. Jensen made his way to the door. "Jensen," Jeff's voice stopped him as his hand reached for the doorknob. Jensen stilled and waited. "Congrats on making it five years."

Jensen could feel his face heat with embarrassment. Five years. Today marked his five year anniversary at Empire Records. Five years and he still didn't know what he wanted in life. "Thanks," he finally mumbled.

He pushed his way out of Jeff's office just in time to see the arrival of Tom and Sophia. Jared rushed over to them, immediately slapping a large hand to Tom's shoulder. The two of them launched into an intricate hello consisting of various hand gestures. It ended with Jared slapping Tom lightly across the face and then laughing at his friend's shocked expression. Jensen smiled at the display, watching his coworkers with a mixture of fondness and amusement. The smile felt frozen in place when Sophia got up on her tiptoes and kissed Jared on the cheek before whispering something in his ear, earning her a short bark of laughter. Jared wrapped an arm around her tiny frame and swung her around before setting her back down on the ground.

They're just friends. Jensen repeated the phrase to himself, over and over again, trying to convince himself that it was true. Just friends. Just friends. Just friends.

But what if they were more than just friends?


Sophia jumped onto the staircase and turned to face the small group of employees gathered in the middle of the sales floor. Jared frowned at her short skirt and wondered how she got that tiny shirt to stay in place without revealing all her secrets. Her clothes were so tight, they almost looked painted on.

Jensen leaned closer and bumped his shoulder, dragging his attention away from the curiosities of women's clothing. "You know you don't have to work, man," he mumbled. "You're not even on the clock until this afternoon."

Jared just smiled at his friend. "What else am I going to do? Homework?"

Jensen snorted but they both grew quiet as Sophia silenced them with a glare.

"First one is," she announced, turning the box of M&Ms upside down, pulling one out of the opening with her fingers, "brown." She held up the chocolate for everyone to see.

All four guys double-checked their own M&M to see if they had the corresponding color. First one with a matching M&M got first choice of music. Jared stared down at the candy in his hand, the orange painting his skin as it melted. He looked up and shook his head. The other three motioned that they didn't have a brown either.

Sophia was getting ready to put the candy down and exchange it for the next one when Mike stopped her with a shout. She tossed him a puzzled look as he bounded up the steps. Mike didn't say anything else as he grabbed Sophia's hand, sucking her fingers into his mouth. Sophia pulled back and smacked Mike's shoulder.

Jared raised an eyebrow and glanced toward Jensen on his left. "Dude, you sure you want to do that? You don't know where her fingers have been."

Jensen's lips curved up in a small smile and Jared laughed, barely ducking in time as Sophia threw the M&M at his head.

Mike leered in Sophia's direction. "Well, you don't know where my lips have been either."

Jared choked on the laughter still bubbling in his chest. Everyone else in the room groaned and threw their candy at Mike. Everyone, that is, except for Jared and Tom. Jared popped his candy in his mouth, savoring the too-short sweetness of melting chocolate as his eyes lingered on Tommy, who had turned an interesting shade of red.

Huh. Now that's something to think about.


Jensen straightened the stack of cds in front of his register for the hundredth time as he listened to Jared ramble on and on, telling him about Harley's latest incident with a shoe from his perch on the counter.

Jared's voice rolled over him like waves in the ocean, warm and steady. The slow cadence and drawn out vowels showcased his Texas upbringing in big flashing neon. Jensen closed his eyes for a moment and just listened. Jared's voice always reminded him of home. Anytime he found himself missing the wide open spaces and blazing hot sunshine, all he had to do was get Jared to talk to him and it was like no time had passed.

Jensen was so wrapped up in memories of Texas that it took him a minute to realize Jared had stopped talking. He opened his eyes and looked at his friend, questioning the sudden silence. Jared nodded at a spot over Jensen's shoulder. Jensen turned around to find Jeff staring at him with an angry glare. Mike was standing just behind Jeff, ducking his head and focusing on the floor. Fuck.

Jeff just crooked his finger in a come here fashion and Jensen sighed. He turned to Jared. "Cover me a minute?"

Jared hopped off the counter and leaned towards Jensen, his warm breath ghosting across the skin at the base of Jensen's neck, making him shiver. "Don't make any sudden movements and look him in the eye. And remember, he can smell fear."

Jensen rolled his eyes but couldn't stop the small smile from gracing his lips. Only Jared could make him smile when he felt like he was about to face the firing squad. Jensen took a deep breath and walked over to his boss.

"Jensen, I want you to find Chad." Jeff's voice was barely more than a low growl.

"What do you mean, find Chad?" Jensen asked, trying to play it cool.

"What do you think I mean?"

"I told him," Mike admitted, still staring at the ground. He raised his eyes to meet Jensen's glare. "What was I supposed to do? The guy threatened me. And he's one scary mother..."

"Don't even think about finishing that thought," Jeff slapped a hand down on Mike's shoulder and squeezed. Mike squeaked and if it weren't for the look in Jeff's eyes, Jensen would have laughed. As it was, he just wanted the confrontation to be over and done with. "Find him," Jeff said before storming off to the back.

Jensen turned back to the register but Jared could only offer him a shrug. Some friend he was. "You better find your friend before Jeff kills me," Jensen hissed as soon as he got close enough for Jared to hear him.

Jared gaped at him. "So what, if he fucks up he's my friend?"

"Yes," Jensen nodded as if that made all the sense in the world. "So where is he?"

Jared smirked. "He's standing right behind you."

Jensen swung around and sure enough, Chad was right there. He grabbed the dark fabric of Chad's shirt and pushed him down the aisle in the direction Jeff had headed only moments before. "Where have you been?" Jensen growled. "Have you thought about what's going to happen?"

Chad wrenched out of Jensen's grip and swung around to face him. "Have you thought about what's gonna happen?" He asked, jabbing a pointy finger into Jensen's chest.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your future, man," Chad shrugged. "Five years. That's a long time."

Jensen shook his head in annoyance. Sometimes he just couldn't understand Chad. The guy was odd. But Jared liked him so he tolerated him. "Look, Jeff sent me to find you, so should I?"

Chad smirked and opened his arms wide. "Find yourself, man. I'm right here."

"Just..." Jensen couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence so he pushed Chad toward the back again.

Chad just laughed as he pushed through the double doors. "Honey, I'm home!"

Jeff glowered at his employee as he exited his office. "Chad, where's the money?"

"Jeff, the money is gone."

Jeff advanced, forcing Chad to move backwards. "I know the money is gone. Where is it?"

"Atlantic City?" Chad shrugged. Jensen could see that the bravado was all an act. Chad was scared. With good reason. Jeff could be an intimidating bastard when he wanted to be.

"What's it doing in Atlantic City?"

"I don't know," Chad admitted with a sigh. "Recirculating?" He tried to smile but Jeff just shoved him down onto the couch.

"Shut up, sit down, and don't you dare fucking move," Jeff growled, a dangerous edge to his voice. He turned toward his office, tension radiating off of him in waves.

Of course, Chad didn't know when to shut up. "Jeff, I think it's going to be ok."

Jeff turned around, a look of disbelief flashing in his eyes before settling into the now familiar glare. "What makes you think that?"

"Who knows where thoughts come from?" Chad shrugged again. "They just appear, man."

Jeff didn't bother to respond, just turned and slammed the door shut.

Jensen turned and gaped at the idiot on the couch. "Are you on drugs?!"

"What?" Chad asked. "Did I say something?"

Jensen could only shake his head and sigh. It was definitely shaping up to be a long day. And to think, it was only eleven.


Sophia leaned forward, resting her elbows on the counter. She nestled her chin in her hands and Jared couldn't help but notice how it forced her cleavage out front and center. He wondered for a moment why that didn't seem to affect him the same way it did other guys his age. Sophia was hot. Jared knew that. She was sexy, but Jared just couldn't see her as anything more than a friend. He didn't think of his friends that way. That would be like thinking of Jensen while jerking off or something. And that didn't happen. Or it did. But it was only once and he was drunk, so it didn't count.

"Not that I mind spending more time with you, Jay, but what are you even doing here?" Sophia questioned, her voice a low purr. "Aren't you scheduled in the afternoon?"

Jared shrugged. "Promised Megan I'd get her Sandy McCoy's autograph."

"Awww, aren't you sweet?" Sophia licked her lips and tilted her head in his direction. "And here I thought it was to spend more time with me."

Jared grinned. "The autograph thing is just a cover."

Sophia smirked. "And I'm sure Megan wants an autograph. I think you just have the hots for the singing sensation."

"You got me," Jared held up his hands in mock surrender.

Just then the front door chimed as Steve stormed in, shoving his helmet under his arm and scowling at the universe.

"Hey Steve," Jared called out a friendly greeting.

Steve continued walking, flipping Jared off as he passed. Jared frowned. "He hates me."

Sophia shrugged. "He hates me, too," she admitted. "But I have enough sense to hate him back."

Jared slumped backwards, leaning heavily on the counter. He knew he was pouting but he didn't care. He wasn't used to anyone hating him. He liked everyone and everyone liked him. Everyone but Steve, that is. Steve was a different breed of human altogether. Jared wasn't sure if he was even really human. He just sucked the fun right out of life. Jared sighed.

Fucking Steve, funsucker extraordinaire.


"I still think you're a moron."

Chad looked at Jensen and shrugged. The two of them had been quietly arguing about how to fix the mess Chad had made for almost an hour but neither of them had been able to come up with a viable solution. Chad figured Vegas was the answer. Jensen figured if they got desperate, they could always sell Chad's brain to science. They might even make fifty cents off of it.

"We could donate blood."

Jensen rolled his eyes and continued fingering the strings of his guitar. "No," he shot down the idea. He was getting ready to point out that Chad had been a douche when the doors swung open and Steve stormed across the room and into the bathroom. Jensen and Chad shared a look. That was...well, not all that unusual. But it was a little weirder than normal.

Jeff came out of his office and immediately glared at Chad. He glanced over at Jensen. "Jensen, I need another closer."

"Jeff, I opened," Jensen wanted to argue. He had plans. Well, he hoped he had plans.

"Look, I wouldn't ask but right now, I've got no choice," Jeff pointed out. He sounded stressed, a thread of tension weaving through his words.

"I can close," Chad piped up from his spot on the couch.

Jensen watched as Jeff's eyes darkened and sighed. "Yeah, I can close." Jeff only nodded and headed back into his office. This time the door shut with a snick instead of a bang. Jensen only offered Chad a moment's glance before turning his attention back to his music.

"So, you planning on telling Jared how you feel before he runs off to Hollywood?" Chad asked, seeming eager to change the subject.

Jensen resisted the urge to snap his head up and stare at the other man. "Don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure man," Chad mumbled. "Everyone knows you're completely in love with the guy."

"Jared doesn't."

The words slipped out before Jensen could stop them. He inhaled sharply and looked up, hoping Chad hadn't heard him. No such luck.

Chad shifted on the couch, clutching a pillow in his hands. He twisted a few loose threads around his fingers, appearing to mull over his next words. "Look, I've known Jared a long time. He's a great guy and always there for you. He'll listen to you and give you advice when you need it. He's there for you, man. But he can be fucking oblivious to the things right in front of him."

Jensen muttered to himself that he still knew Jared longer, but Chad had a point. And man, did he hate admitting that, even to himself. "Do you think it's possible for someone to be in love with someone else and not even know it?

Chad pursed his lips. "In this life, there are nothing but possibilities."

Jensen wondered if Chad knew something about Jared that he didn't. He quickly dismissed the idea, realizing that it was completely ridiculous. Jared was his best friend and the furthest thing from subtle you could get. He knew everything there was to know about Jared Padalecki. "Well, that's good. Because I have to tell Jared I love him by 1:37."

Chad nodded his head. "That's an excellent time," he said before snickering into the pillow on his lap.

Jensen glared at his coworker. "Fuck you."

Chad threw the pillow at Jensen's head. Jensen growled and grabbed the projectile in mid-air with one hand while setting down his guitar with the other. He flung it at Chad just as the bathroom door opened.

The pillow smacked Chad in the face. When he made no move to retaliate, Jensen turned to see what Chad was gawking at. His eyes widened at the sight of Steve standing just behind him, his scalp pale and shiny and completely lacking hair. Hair he previously had when he walked through the room just moments before.

"What happened to your head?" Jensen asked, immediately feeling like a moron. The answer was obvious.

"Rough night," Steve replied, walking into the count-out room to grab a cash drawer. He walked back into the main room, stopping only when Jensen jumped in front of him.

"Steve, what happened?"

"None of your business," Steve said, trying to step around him.

Jensen moved to stop him again. "Seriously man, you can talk to me about it, whatever it is."

Chad jumped up off of the couch and slid up next to Steve. He rubbed his palm across Steve's now-smooth scalp. "Dude, chill. He's fine. He's amazing."

"Don't touch me," Steve growled. He took advantage of the distraction and headed through the double doors and onto the sales floor.

Jensen shook his head. Chad was driving him crazy and Steve had already gone insane. "What's with you today?"

Chad cocked his head to the side. "What's with 'today' today?"


Jensen pushed Chad back down onto the couch, smirking at the whoosh his body made when it hit the cushions.

It was official. They'd all gone mad.

Part Two

fic, fic pairing: j2, fic rating: pg13, fic: damn the man

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