Lost Fic Battle 2010 - Prompt Post

Jan 09, 2010 14:06

It's time for the Lost Fic Battle 2010. We'll spend a week collecting prompts here, and then go wild writing comment ficlets for them.

Lost Fic Battle Prompt Post

- Post your prompts here in the comments, as many as you like, until the 16th of January.
- All ratings, all pairings, all characters are accepted.
- On the 18th a Fic Post will be posted with a full list of prompts. You can leave your ficlets in the comments there until the 29th.
- You can leave as many prompts as you like. Gen, het, slash, AU, anything.
- You don't have to leave prompts in order to write them; you don't have to write in order to leave prompts. Do what you like.
- Please put pairings in alphabetical order: Claire/Sawyer, not Sawyer/Claire.

Please leave prompts in this format:
Character/pairing/OT3, prompt

For example:
- Richard, addictions
- Hurley/Shannon, genderswap BDSM wing!porn
- Esau/Jacob/Richard, dangerous

You have until the 16th! Prompt away!

lost fic battle 2010

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