Lost HOHOHO Clarification

Dec 04, 2009 01:08

It's come to my attention that there might be some confusion about the due date for HOHOHO fics. The deadline is December 15thYou can email your finished fic (with your html tags in place and preferably as an attachment in Word)to lostsqueemods at gmail dot com AT ANY TIME. If it's done and you're certain you won't want to tweak it, you could send ( Read more... )

lost hohoho 2009: mod post

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Comments 4

emiliglia December 5 2009, 15:39:07 UTC
Well that's 5 days more than I thought I had! *crosses fingers for a productive weekend of writing*


zelda_zee December 9 2009, 20:55:32 UTC
Good! I hope the add'l days are helpful!


inthekeyofd December 9 2009, 03:56:04 UTC
So I can email you my fic on Monday, instead of the 10th?

Yes, I know it's a stupid question.


zelda_zee December 9 2009, 20:55:06 UTC
Indeed you may. :)


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