The 2009 Lost Summer Luau!

Jun 10, 2009 18:24

It’s time to sign up for the 2009 Lost Summer Luau! Already? Yes, already! This year's Luau will run from July 6 - August 6, with Sundays as designated catch-up days.

As former Luau-ers know, those who stake their claim to a day get to be Queen (or King!) and order their minions to shower them with gifts on the subject of their choosing. It’s a win-win-win: participants get to amass fabulous tribute, plus they get to shift their creativity into high gear and shower their friends with presents, and everyone gets to read the fic and enjoy the wonderful art and graphics that are created during the course of the Luau.

ETA: Luau sign-ups are now closed! If you didn't sign up in time to get a day, you can still participate by creating tribute gifts for the Queens and by reading and commenting.

How does it work?

It’s easy! Each day one person is crowned Queen of the Luau and on that day they get to pick a topic and demand that their minions (that would be everybody else!) lavish them with gifts and generally worship them for the (regal) goddess that they are. Topics for the day can be anything your heart desires, be it a character, pairing, episode, actor, theme - anything and everything that your devious imagination can come up with, just as long as it has something to do with Lost.

When your day rolls around you simply post your royal demands here at lostsquee and your minions will do their very best to fulfill your desires. Every post on your special day will be themed around the topic of your choice. Yay!

(If you want to get a sense of how the Luau works before signing up, just page through, starting here, on the first day of last year’s Luau.)

What can I post as a gift for the Queen?

Anything you want! You can post fic, picspams, icons, music, headers/banners, vids, meta - whatever the topic of the day inspires you to produce is a-okay.

OMG! That sounds exhausting! How do I keep up with the requests?

The Luau is all about fun so don’t worry if you are a little late with your gift, just post whenever you can. No one will mind if they keep on getting gifts after their day on the throne has ended - it just extends the fun!

Just one more thing - please read before claiming your day.

If you claim a day to be Queen, you must contribute a *minimum* of 4 times to others’ Queen days. (Of course, participating more than 4 times is heartily encouraged!) Most of us receive a nice selection of gifts on our day and it only seems fair that one be willing to contribute in return. As mentioned above, contributions come in many forms: fic, graphics, fanart, icons, picspams, music posts… So if you’re a writer and your muse defects mid-Luau (as has been known to happen), you can simply post picspams and still fulfill your commitment! The important thing is that everyone with a Queen day is willing to give as well as receive!

Sometimes life gets in the way and one may not be able to complete one’s commitment. In that case, let your mods know asap. Claiming a day and then failing to contribute at least 4 times with no notification will result in being banned from lostsquee and you don't want that to happen!

And that's it! All you need to do now is claim your day!

Step 1: Pick a day.
Step 2: Leave a comment with your day of choice.
Step 3: Mark it on your calendar! (Very important! Don't forget your day - there are no make-ups.)
Step 4: Start dreaming up your demands!

Days will be given out on a first come, first served basis so please check through the comments to see if someone else has requested 'your' day but hasn't been added to the list yet.

*If you wanted a day and did not get one, leave a comment here. We may add more days, if there's a need for them.*

July 6 - gottalovev
July 7 - elise_509
July 8 - siluria
July 9 - janie_tangerine
July 10 - toestastegood
July 11 - emiliglia
July 12 - Catch-Up Day
July 13 - invisiblelove
July 14 - hopelessfangirl
July 15 - joyyjpg
July 16 - inthekeyofd
July 17 - eponine119
July 18 - isis2015
July 19 - Catch-Up Day
July 20 - kellysparrow
July 21 - angeldylan628
July 22 - alemyrddin
July 23 - lostpuffin
July 24 - roseys_fics
July 25 - haldoor
July 26 - Catch-Up Day
July 27 - aurilly
July 28 - jenthegypsy
July 29 - alliecat8
July 30 - demonqueen666
August 1 - fosfomifira
August 2 - Catch-Up Day
August 3 - jate92
August 4 - that_evening
August 5 - crowgirl13
August 6 - hitlikehammers
August 7 - tellshannon815
August 8 - kickaboutheart
August 9 - Catch-Up Day
August 10 - 823freckles
August 11 - southernwolfe
August 12 - zelda_zee

Sign up now! You won't want to miss out on the fun! :D

luau 2009: mod post:

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