Okay, there's Sun/Jin, which is decidedly canon, but there's also handholding! And it's not Sun and Jin! Possible spoilers for the Season Three finale.
Sun is taking a walk.
Sun has taken a lot of walks lately, and she has not let anyone come. It isn't that she doesn't want the company exactly -- it's just that people walk carefully around her now. Sun remembers Claire telling her that while she was pregnant she felt like she intimidated people. She understands the feeling now. When people talk to her, sit with her, touch her, they act like she will shatter. It's only worse because they know, thanks to Juliet, what happens to women that give birth on this island.
She knows that people admire her for her calm through everything that has happened (is happening) to her.
She is known up and down the beach for her calmness and serenity, and she feels that even now she cannot let that mask slip. Yes, she is pregnant. Yes, women who are pregnant and give birth on this island die. No, she does not want to die.
She pauses for a minute in the shade of a sprawling tree and tries to halt the tears that are building behind her eyes. She is scared.
"Vincent," says a faint voice, "shake."
She starts and presses herself against a tree, terrified. Voices in the jungle have never been promising, but since the disastrous rescue fiasco and John's decampment to the other, well, camp, the jungle has become an even more unnerving place. She knows Jin would not want her walking here alone, but when she left the beach she could not bring herself to care. Now she suddenly finds that she cares very much.
"Vincent," the voice repeats, "c'mon dude. Shake."
Sun frowns. She knows that voice, and she knows that name.
A few minute's walk brings her to a secluded stretch of beach and the sight of Hurley squatting on the sand lifting Vincent's paw.
"Dude." Hurley says unhappily. "C'mon man you can do this. It isn't that hard. See? Shake. Shake."
Vincent stares at Hurley, his eyes wide but unhelpful.
"Hello Hurley." Sun says quietly. Hurley starts and flushes.
"Uh, hey, Sun. What's up?"
"I was just taking a walk." Sun says carefully. Hurley nods.
"Right, yeah. You've, um, gone for a lotta walks lately."
"Yes." Sun says, inwardly sighing. Once Hurley has determined to do her some good nothing will stop him. Now she will be encouraged to "just, you know, talk about it."
She knows Hurley means well. But that does not make "just, you know, talking about it" any easier.
"Cool." Hurley says. Sun is taken aback. "So I'm tryin' to teach Vincent how to shake, but I don't think he really gets it. I mean, like, I think maybe he just doesn't wanna learn it from me, you know? He doesn't want my help. Like, if he just figured out how to shake for himself, he'd probably do it on command. He's a great dog and everything, but he's kinda independent."
Sun smiles slightly and decides, after some small consideration, to pretend that Hurley had been subtle. "Really? He is an intelligent dog. I am sure with practice he can be taught."
"Yeah." Hurley agrees, still sounding slightly uncomfortable. "Yeah, probably. So do you wanna, like, help?"
Sun spends an hour and a half telling Vincent to shake, to sit, to roll over (dude, I don't wanna teach anything to play dead on this island, Hurley says vehemently) and when she gets back to the beach she invites Jin to go for a walk with her.
"We will walk together?" Jin asks happily, his face lighting up.
Sun nods. "I do not want to walk alone."
You said it yourself my Queen..."hand-holding between couples or friends or, um, Hurley and Vincent" ;]
*curtsies* May it please the Queen. :P