Please provide the link to at least three unstamped applications you have voted on! (You may only skip this if everyone has received a stamp already) Just for the record
Is this your first application here or are you re-applying? (If you are re-applying and DO NOT want to receive the same stamp again, please also state who you've been stamped as before) This is my first time.
Which season(s) do you want to get character votes from? Preferrably seasons 3-4 (both old and new)
I want to be voted as [male/female/doesn't matter]: It doesn't matter. :)
Name: Alyssa
Gender: Female
Date of birth: April Fools' Day, 1990
Likes: cheese, pancakes, art, philosophy, literature, music, astrology, avocado fruit shakes, salmon sashimi, psychology
Dislikes: hot weather, sickness, hospitals, overly critical/closed-minded people, broken promises
Describe yourself in 5 words: independent, impulsive, artistic, adventurous, random/spontaneous
(Please provide a short explanation as well)
Optimistic or pessimistic? I think I fall in between. It depends a lot on my mood, actually. Sometimes I can't figure out whether I'm being positively optimistic, or lazy/careless.
Leader or follower? I take the lead when I know I am the most capable of handling the situation. I just hate it when people depend on me too much like they don't have their own brains; I believe in the importance of self-sufficiency and independence.
Introvert or extrovert? I'm not very talkative, but I'm not afraid to speak my mind. If people don't agree with what I think/say/feel, then it's their problem, not mine.
Mature or immature? I've been told that I act mature for my age, though I think my emotions can be quite childish when I don't get what I want.
Violent or peaceful? I won't call myself "peaceful" since I have a lot going on in my head all the time and I'm usually nervous. When I'm angry I can be pretty violent. I think that's something I need to change about myself.
Selfish or altruistic? I agree with Adam Smith that every human action is motivated by selfishness, and that there are no exceptions to the rule.
Rude or polite? I'm not plastic. If I don't like you then you'll get no crap from me.
Eat here or take away? If the place is nice, and I have good company to enjoy, then I'd rather eat at the place. If I was alone I'd just take it away then eat by myself at home; I'll feel less lonely that way.
What do you consider to be your one very best trait and why? I think I'm good at understanding people. I just tend to use it in the wrong way sometimes. =/
And what do you think is your worst? I'm very stubborn. That includes being stubborn about being lazy. Haha! I can also be, insistent when I don't get what I want.
If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? I won't change anything about my life or my past, since I have everything I need, and I don't regret going through any past experience I had, and I'm happy with that. However I would like to do something about my stubbornness and occasional laziness (I procrastinate a lot! :O)
If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be and why? I want to be a book, or a journal, a treasure trove of stories and happy memories. =D
What element do you most identify with and why? Fire. Not just because I'm an Aries, but also due to my impulsiveness, independence, bluntness, aggressiveness, etc. Plus I can be a real bitch =P (not that I'm proud of it)
Providing food and water is not an issue, which three items would you want to have with you on the island? Please elaborate.
- A rifle
- A guitar, for entertainment
- A box with first aid stuff and tools, with the necessary contents, of course. :)
Which Lost character do you personally think is most suited to be everyone’s leader and why? Out of all the characters, I think Ben makes the best leader. I do realize that he's supposed to be a villain; hey, Hitler and Genghis Khan were an evil bastard but there's no denying they were the greatest leaders of their times. He's charismatic, assertive, intelligent, and he's not afraid to take risks.
Would YOU accept this position? Why? Why not? I don't think I'd be the first to step up, but if I really needed to, I will. I'm not pretty confident about handling a situation wherein everyone's actual LIVES are at stake. 0_o
Which Lost character do you least identify with and why? Hurley. He's a good person (I think he's the most benevolent out of all the survivors), but I can't identify with his happy-go-lucky attitude.
Anything else you would like to add? Ermmm...rate me please! :D