Please provide the link to at least three unstamped applications you have voted on! (You may only skip this if everyone has received a stamp already)
This one,
this one,
this one,and
this one.
Just for the record
Is this your first application here or are you re-applying? (If you are re-applying and DO NOT want to receive the same stamp again, please also state who you've been stamped as before) This is my first time.
Which season(s) do you want to get character votes from? I'm catching up with the previous seasons and season 4 at the same time, eh. Started watching with my friend, a long-time fan, when season 4 started, and got hooked, so I'm renting the older seasons. There are a few characters in the stamps that I don't really know... like the Tailies. I've heard about Eko, but Ana-Lucia, Libby, and those two that nobody likes? I barely know their names, let alone their personalities. So I'd like not to get stamped as them, thanks. (I know all the characters still there in season 4, though, like Ben, Juliet, and Desmond.)
I want to be voted as [male/female/doesn't matter]: Doesn't matter, as long as it fits! I do have a preference for the male characters of this show in general, but the girls are pretty awesome too :) And it's not about which character I like, either, so.
Name: Veronique
Gender: Female
Date of birth: January 24th
Likes: Tea and candy. Traveling, history, museums, and all that stuff. Horror stories, urban legends, campfire type of tales. Action. Martial arts and music. Relaxing. Having time to myself, not surrounded by annoying people.
Dislikes: Crowds; small, confined places; huges things freak me out too. Boats; I get sea sick. Having to wake up in the morning. I have low blood pressure, and am NOT a morning person. At all. Selfish and inconsiderate people. Rudeness. Milk. My allergies, and my health in general.
Describe yourself in 5 words: Nice, smart, passionnate, easy-going, creative.
(Please provide a short explanation as well)
Optimistic or pessimistic? I think I'm otimistic, but I'm trying to be a realist. Some people migh argue with that, but that's just because I'm a depressing and paranoid drunk.
Leader or follower? Leader. I like to take care of people and bring them together. I hate to be told what to do all the time. I can accept not being in charge, but if I am to be a follower, the leader needs to trust my judgement and let me do what I think is best or else it won't work, and I'll start doing things by myself, for myself.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert. I like people well enough, I just don't talk a lot about myself.
Mature or immature? Depends of your definition of maturity. I like to think I'm pretty mature, but, still, I'm 19. I'm not wild and irresponsible, don't drink too much, never do drugs, never have sex unprotected, yadda yadda, but, still. 19.
Violent or peaceful? I get violent when I'm really angry, but it's more of the punching-the-wall kind of violent then punching-the-innocent-bystander. I hate confrontations, so I guess this would cound as overall peaceful, right? I did take karate lessons, though, and I adored it. (I'd say I was pretty good, too.)
Selfish or altruistic? I hate selfish people. I'm not completly altruistic, hell, nobody really is, but I try my best not to be selfish.
Rude or polite? Polite. I try to treat everyone as I would like to be treated, and that include being polite towards them. I dunno. I could never be really rude to anyone. (Except my sister. But that's another thing.)
Eat here or take away? Eat here, so you can enjoy the full experience! Except if it's dirty, and noisy. Like a McDonald. Then yeah, take away, ugh. (If I really have to eat it, eh.)
What do you consider to be your one very best trait and why? This is a bit hard, actually, eh. I don't want to say 'I'm nice', which is actually how most people would simply describe me, I guess, because really, can it be considered a 'best trait'? With the way overall nice people are treated in real life (and nice characters in fandom), I'd say no. More like a curse, sometimes. But, then, my best trait? I'd say is t hat I'm genrally happy with life. I don't have a super healthy self-esteem, but I can see the best of every situation. Not that I'm naive, but I think of everything that happen as if I can get something positive out of it. Helps me get through life a lot.
And what do you think is your worst? I'm lazy. Very, very lazy. I can get very passionate about something, but there are times when I'm just the laziest person on earth. And easily distracted, too. I just spent the whole day with this window open trying to finish this survey, and it took way longer than it should have.
If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? I'd be more confident. Less insecure. Less proud. I'd let myself do things I really want instead of thinking about what people would think of me if I did.
If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be and why? Almost forgot that question. I'd say a computer. It's useful and nice to have. If you can make it work, that's it.
What element do you most identify with and why? Element... my zodiac sign is Air (Aquarius), and my last name means Fire. I think I might see in me a bit of both of them, but I think I identify most with Water. Generally calm and steady, but if something big enough happens, I can cause waves. (ahah, yeah, I guess.)
Providing food and water is not an issue, which three items would you want to have with you on the island? Please elaborate. A weapen, that's for sure. A gun? Gun is nice, but it can run out of bullet, or break. A knife, then, more useful is various situations, but not sure if I'd be able to hunt with a knife. Both? Alright. A gun, a knife, and a blanket. To keep warm, because on the beach the nights can get pretty chilly. Oh. Forgot a lighter. But it's only three items, so.
Which Lost character do you personally think is most suited to be everyone’s leader and why? I'd haveto say Sayid. Jack wasn't a bad leader, nor is John, really, but they're not balanced enough to be real leaders. Sayid isn't as charismatic and 'Me take charge now grrr' as the other two, but he knows what he's doing, and usually does what is best (usually. he's not perfect.)
Would YOU accept this position? Why? Why not? I might, yeah. I wouldn't try to go against it if nobody wanted to follow me and someone else was better suited to it, but if the people let me, I would take charge. Problem is; I'm not very outgoing. But I guess I could be a good support. Anyway, I wouldn't want to have a completly follower role.
Which Lost character do you least identify with and why? Micheal and Shannon. Micheal just seem so arrogant and rude, in a hypocritical way, and just so weak. Shannon... is whiny. Just too whiny, and unhelpful, and bratty. I know, I know, I'm supposed to see they're better than this, but first impressions last, right? Anyway, this is not personal dislike; both of those characters are everything I'm trying not to be.
Anything else you would like to add? Nope, don't think so.