Please provide the link to at least three unstamped applications you have voted on! (You may only skip this if everyone has received a stamp already)
One Two Three Just for the record
Is this your first application here or are you re-applying? First time
Which season(s) do you want to get character votes from? Preferably One or Two, since they are thus far the only ones I've watched fully (I got into it very late)
I want to be voted as [male/female/doesn't matter]: I don't care one way or the other
Name: Tasha
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 12.06.89
Likes: Philosophy, reading, the outdoors, dancing, talking, writing, swimming, debate
Dislikes: Loud noises, ignorant people, people who don't listen to me
Describe yourself in 5 words: I'm sneaky like a fox
(Please provide a short explanation as well)
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic. I think that everything happens for a reason, but sometimes those things are really awful, and it's hard for me to see the reason in them. Still, I try to stay positive about it.
Leader or follower? Leader for sure. If I didn't lead, nothing would ever get done.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert, but I know how to talk to people.
Mature or immature? Mature, I would have to say. I'm definitely capable of being silly and laid back, but when it comes down to it, I am extremely responsible.
Violent or peaceful? Peaceful, but I know how to fight. I took self-defense classes for years, and I also took classes where I learned to fight with swords and knives. I do have some anger problems, but those don't manifest publicly.
Selfish or altruistic? I would have to say somewhere in the middle. I like to do things for other people, but I also know that I have to protect myself and make sure that I'm doing fine mentally and physically so that I can help other people out to my best extent.
Rude or polite? Polite. I try to talk to everyone as though they deserve my politeness, although if people push me too hard or insult me too much I do become standoffish and slightly rude.
Eat here or take away? Eat here.
What do you consider to be your one very best trait and why? I know what I want, and I know how to get it.
And what do you think is your worst? I am stubborn and don't always know how to stand down.
If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? I'm working on becoming less angry all the time.
If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be and why? I would want to be a book, since one of my favorite things to do is read.
What element do you most identify with and why? Well, astrologically, I'm a fire sign, and I think that fits me pretty well. I'm passionate, strong, and yes, I do have that angry streak.
Providing food and water is not an issue, which three items would you want to have with you on the island? Please elaborate. A knife to protect myself/others, my favorite book to read because I would need something to distract me, and sunscreen, because I really don't want to get horribly burnt.
Which Lost character do you personally think is most suited to be everyone’s leader and why? Locke, because I think he understands and cares about the island the best, and is also capable of protecting everyone.
Would YOU accept this position? Why? Why not? I would, if people wanted me to accept it. I don't think I'd go seek it out, though.
Which Lost character do you least identify with and why? Kate. I just don't like her, and I think it's because she seems very manipulative to me. I know she's everyone's favorite to hate on, but she seems very insecure and she goes about expressing that by relying on other people to fill whatever void she has in her at the time. I can feel bad for the situations she has been in, but I can't relate to her at all.
Anything else you would like to add? I love Lost?
This is about as much as I know how to smile
I look a lot younger than I am and sometimes look like a boy, I know.