The Basics
Name: Amanda
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Is that also the gender you would like to be rated as? I would like to steal someone else's idea and ask to be rated as both - if applicable
Please include the links to three unstamped applications you've voted on here:
One Two Three FourThe Pictures
The most standard picture of me there is x.x
A more recent one (from my phone x.x) - I haven't changed much
and some fun ones...
and the only full shot I have...
Two more for good measure:
Smiling with teeth (I'm on the left hand side...clealry x.x)Totally different expression... The End
How do you think your island attire would be different from what you usually wear? I like to dress up - I wear heels and skirts a lot, although mostly pretty casual stuff, so I would probably switch shoes. Also, I wear of the time - so I think I would switch to shorts or more skirts when it was hot!
Which one LOST character do you personally think you look least like and why? Sayid, because I can't think of a single physical trait that we share x.x
Anything else you would like to add? Be merciful! XD And if you rate me, and you have an app (for anything), please link to it so that I may reciprocate!