OMG .. Warehouse 13!

Aug 08, 2011 21:09

Not content just with the awesomeness of HG (and Jamie Murray) and her eye-shagging with Myka, they had to add Ianto too??!! Nice way to pitch the potential cast for an HG spin-off. I'd buy that.

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Comments 9

ralst August 9 2011, 04:37:20 UTC
Me too. Me too.


lostingeekdom August 9 2011, 04:44:08 UTC
Mmm .. can you imagine the Torchwood Dead club apparating in Warehouse 12?! Especially Tosh and Suzie.


ralst August 9 2011, 15:29:10 UTC
Oh I'd pay to see that.


sandyosullivan August 9 2011, 04:52:40 UTC
Awww Ianto! Will there be an HG spinoff? I still haven't caught up with Warehouse 13 just waiting to start it over from the beginning again. But this is encouraging... I will!


lostingeekdom August 9 2011, 06:26:16 UTC
Rumour is that they're working on one, if the SyFy PTB buy it. Watch the show .. it's pure fun at this point, and very, very gay.


trancer21 August 9 2011, 06:00:56 UTC
Hee! I love how my flist has just exploded with WH13 love!!


lostingeekdom August 9 2011, 06:28:03 UTC
What's not to love! The casting of Ianto (I need to find the actor's actual name) also shows exactly what audience the show is playing to. I love that kind of meta. I'm seriously thinking of buying the DVDs this time.


stargazer1960 August 9 2011, 12:06:57 UTC
I really enjoyed last night's ep. That was a fun romp across time.


theholyinnocent August 10 2011, 16:47:05 UTC
My dead boyfriend Ianto is on this show now? I guess I will have to watch it now!


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