halloween was fun..went to ems for a lil while..met her friend pete..seems like a cool kid, saw heitman there..that was crazy..then i went over to erics..haha we had some good times..lol ew i was gros...im mad a didnt get a picture...tear tear lol
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Comments 5
ps..almost forgot the whole paper throwing thing that always ends up happening
pss..or u hurting me really really really badly
ok thats it lol..i hate that period
Okay when I got home and got that cookie piece out it was disgusting.
I only hurt you really bad when you hurt me really bad!!!
**oo and u forgot dan u love him too right?
agrred the kids that swarmed out table was bad, xcept jen she's nice, but not the kids that sat at the table next to us if that's who u meant bc there cool
paul manages to call me a skank everytime i see him..and im like HELLOO go look in a mirrow..well a guy cant be a skank but lol i felt like saying that anways..i might boycott 9th period..they bother me especially adean and his u look cold..yuck!
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