Plan: XMFC Fic about a paraplegic, a mysterious man, and music

Sep 30, 2011 00:18

Recently I posted a prompt in XMFC kink memes.

Setting: A lovely villa in the Mediterranean.
Charles: A 19-year-old young man, soon to be the magical age of 20. A recent paraplegic who was still unable to accept his own condition. Used to be his mother's golden boy until he got into an accident that cost him his legs.
Erik: A man in his early thirties. Played the violin, the piano and perhaps the cello, too. A multilingual, avid reader. Definitely cultured and suave, but somehow he ended up aimless and spending time and money in the coastal town near the Xaviers' villa.

Plot: The Xaviers had given up on Charles and left him to his devices in their beachfront villa. Erik was hired as Charles' piano teacher, with the hope that learning the piano would lessen Charles' grief.
Bonus 1: Charles' sign of refusal of his condition was his insistence to hire a personal trainer in order to "regain" the function of his legs. (The trainer could be Hank. Or Alex. Or Azazel. Or Emma.)
Bonus 2: Erik and Charles played a violin sonata together.

If nobody fills this before my exams end, should I give it a try? *stares at her unfinished multi-chapters*

plot bunnies, xmfc

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