
Jul 04, 2007 02:30

So I finished Order of the Phoenix last night and OMFG IT WAS SO AWESOME!! Well, aside from the whole Sirius being dead thing. (Am I the only one who thinks that he should've gone out with something a little bit more...spectacular? I dunno. It just seemed to happen as a side note, and too fast. Like 'crap! I got hit and now I'm falling through this ( Read more... )

doctor who, books, harry potter

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Comments 11

octagonal July 4 2007, 07:24:27 UTC
Sirius' death is very... unreal. I don't even know. It really shocks you, because you expect there to be something... more.


DOCTOR WHO, YAYYYYYY. David Tenant is all kinds of amazing. I love the "Wait until you read book seven. Oh, I cried." bit. heee!


lostacanthus July 4 2007, 18:16:08 UTC

I love the "Wait until you read book seven. Oh, I cried." bit. heee!
HEE!! <3


malakhai July 4 2007, 15:28:45 UTC
It's so fun to watch you discovering the joy of HP!!! :D

I should reread my books but I think I'll wait til the new one comes out and then read them all again.


lostacanthus July 4 2007, 18:16:31 UTC
haha icon! :D


space_cadet July 4 2007, 15:53:45 UTC
SQUEEE. Okay. Point by point, here ( ... )


lostacanthus July 4 2007, 18:29:43 UTC
1. Good, so it's not just me :) I had to go back and re-read it, because it was just such a small mention. I just don't think it gave him justice. It wasn't him. He deserved a better death. :( And I guess because I knew it was going to happen, I just expected it to be bigger.

2. I'm only a few chapters into HBP. I was planning on reading it like, NOW, but I got distracted by all the OotP PREMIERE PICTURES AGKSDLGJ If you think it's better that OotP, than it must be way awesome. Because I FREAKING LOVED OotP.

3. YES.

4. I sent you an IM.

XD I got my tie. It's polyester and not silk though :/ I don't really mind though, it looks the same. I might have to buy a silk one from that place. I need a house sweater! lol we should totally dress up for the Office Convention.


space_cadet July 4 2007, 18:47:42 UTC

2. I think HBP is better in that it's faster paced. I'm not sure what your opinion will be, but I loved all the relationships and reactions in HBP because they're just so... true. And there's never a moment where I'm like "AUGH BLAHBLAHBLAH skipping" when I'm reading it out loud to my parents. It flows better, at the least.

4. I AM UPSTAIRS... I will go grab my laptop and sit with bot the 'top and my desktop. Nerd x100.

I will totally dress up at the Con. I will bring my Dunder Mifflin shirt and my Harry Potter clothes and we will rock out.


lostacanthus July 4 2007, 19:31:25 UTC
XD Thanks! I had like, no Fred and George icons and I didn't feel like looking for any so I just made one real quick. I LOVE THEM. ♥ Have you seen the premiere photos?

I will bring my Dunder Mifflin shirt and my Harry Potter clothes and we will rock out.
AWESOME!!!!! ♥ ♥ (Now I need a Dunder Mifflin shirt too. Or something. I really want this. haha or this)


orangerful July 4 2007, 17:30:46 UTC
I think Sirius' death will be the big thing for me in the movie. If it does make me tear up, I might be worried. (I remember they were making Movie 3 when Book 5 came out and Gary Oldman had just signed on and when he finished book 5 he was like "OH COME ON!!")

Plus, I'm not 100% sure he's 100% dead. I expect him to pop back up in book 7 in some form...even if it's just a portrait in the Black house...hm...yes...

Honestly, I'm horrible and can barely remember book 5, I should have re-read it. :( BUT, I'm figuring once I read book 7, I'll start over from the top again.

We're now at the "less than a week til the premiere" point. :D


lostacanthus July 4 2007, 18:33:41 UTC
I remember they were making Movie 3 when Book 5 came out and Gary Oldman had just signed on and when he finished book 5 he was like "OH COME ON!!"
XDD I think I saw some interview with him or David Thewlis or someone that mentioned that XD

HE BETTER NOT BE DEAD DEAD. Coming back in a portrait would rock!

We're now at the "less than a week til the premiere" point. :D


_parttimeninja July 9 2007, 20:34:16 UTC
Sirius' death was just a whole sackful of suck. Killed by drapery, pttth. But OMG am I excited for the movie. I'm so going to the midnight show, eee!

Maybe the curtain isn't an instant death-trap, but some wacky inter-dimensional bizarre crossover plot device portal that no one in the Potterverse truly knows the nature of...meaning that although they think it kills anyone who goes through it, Sirius isn't actually dead, he's just...chillin' with Zack Morris in the Max or something, lol. That certainly sounds a lot more fun than, "Oops, fell through the death-curtain!"

And lololol Simpsons Snape. XD


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