and STOP! ... The, the devil! From... doing bad things? GET OUTTA HERE! ........Satan?

Oct 02, 2009 04:22


#2: TV!

Glee 1x05 )

glee, tv, supernatural

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Comments 15

zonikita October 2 2009, 09:09:27 UTC
1. You need to get Twitter, then you can bitch till your heart's content :)

2. Skipping your reviews, haven't watched either yet. I lust love Fridays! I get home from work and there are all these lovely shows waiting to be downloaded \o/

Rob and me don't really have the same taste in music. But I did find KOL though is playlist and I'm loving them :D


lostacanthus October 2 2009, 20:33:23 UTC
lol ikr. I have one I just never use it xD I still have dial-up (I KNOW, LAST PERSON ON THE PLANET) and not a good cell phone... I just wouldn't be able to get into it like I would want to, because I'm living in the technological stone age x)

Omg ♥ Kings of Leon.
I'm really looking forward to Rachelle's playlist too. I'm super excited that she has Joni Mitchell on hers! I don't know anyone else who loves Joni Mitchell! CAN I BE BFFS WITH HER YET, PLEASE? Gosh she is so awesome. I can't believe they replaced her with Bryce Dallas Howard :(


zonikita October 3 2009, 17:08:49 UTC
Aww, I feel for you :( Dial-up is such a pain.

Yeah, it's so sad they replaced Rachelle ;( I love her, she was always so happy and bouncy.... I think this icon is actually one of the first Twilight ones I ever uploaded.


lostacanthus October 3 2009, 19:22:48 UTC
I know, she always seemed so fun! And I'm totally in love with/jealous of her hair <3

I don't really like Bryce either, I don't think she's that good of an actress. She was boring as hell in Terminator Salvation, though I'm sure half of that was the fact that she had like, two lines. Still.

Also, (I was going to comment on your post, but since we're here..) I am totally in love with Marcus Foster now <3 Ty!


(The comment has been removed)

lostacanthus October 2 2009, 20:36:23 UTC
I always end up watching things in the middle of the night, and I was seriously afraid I would wake my mom up, I was laughing so hard

I missed that, then. I don't pay attention, lol. It was just very, very inconvenient x)


ethe_real_ity October 2 2009, 15:32:20 UTC
"Let me tell you about my planned production of Equus. Have you ever hung out at a stable?"
wait, who said that? was that a reference to harry potter's dan radcliffe's naked stint with a horse?

i think i also don't like rachel because of her jowls. idk. something about her chin/jaw is weird and i CAN'T STOP STARING AT IT.

and whyyyyy do they always do the "let's reach out our hands towards each other!" thing? makes me groan every time.

lol right after i watched this episode, i watched an episode of two and a half men...and i totally didn't realize that "sue" (i feel bad that i don't know her real name off the top of my head) also played charlie's shrink. haha. still had the same attitude, but there was a severe lack of insanity.


lostacanthus October 2 2009, 20:42:02 UTC
Sandy, lol. Right after that guy was interviewing Rachel. And yes it was. ;)

Haha yeah, she does have kind of a mannish face or something.

LOL I know, I'm like, this is almost the same choreography from Don't Stop Believin!!

JANE LYNCH IS AMAZING. OMG If you have not watched Party Down, you need to watch it. Omg. And she was in Role Models. And she was in the 40 Year Old Virgin. And like, idk everything else!? lol she is hilarious.


orangerful October 2 2009, 15:39:40 UTC
Complaining about when LJ is down = what Twitter is for. ;-)


lostacanthus October 2 2009, 20:43:19 UTC
lol I know x) I would just never be able to keep up with twitter, with my horrible internet. So I just... don't use it. :\


roguemouse October 2 2009, 23:27:56 UTC
*points to icon*
This episode made me re-discover that I love our boys. Plain and simple. I truly, utterly, totally and completely love them. Period.

Also: YOU MUST WATCH MERLIN. I know you like Robin Hood (which I haven't watched yet, but I'm gonna start), so I'm sure you'll love Merlin. It's just SO MANY levels of AWESOME! :D


lostacanthus October 3 2009, 03:58:59 UTC
♥ Seriously, the end was so great. I was shouting "HUG! HUG! HUG!" at the TV x)

OMG I am very very very very excited for you to start watching Robin Hood! lol You Will Love It. And I can't wait to start Merlin!


roguemouse October 3 2009, 06:12:04 UTC
OMG! ME TOO! So sad that they didn't though. They're literally like a couple who cheated on each other, but decided that they still wanna be together, but now have trust issues and a whole lotta angst. I LOVE IT :D

*bounces* I KNOW. ME TOO.
I mean, I've seen you squee about it so much, I'm sure I'mn gonna love it. And I need someone from my old playlist to watch Merlin, cause right now, I feel like basically the only Merlin-fan out there :D


lostacanthus October 3 2009, 06:51:49 UTC
LOL OMG You are so right! xD

I CANNOT WAIT TO SQUEE WITH YOU OVER THESE SHOWS!! It is going to be so awesome!! :DD


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