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Comments 5

orangerful June 5 2009, 17:41:26 UTC
oh man, you are just hilarious. So you had never seen T1? The effects definitely did not age very well, but you got to love a movie who's entire plot is so whacked out (I've been sent from the future to protect you and your unborn child which I've also been sent from the future to impregnate you with and do you think John knew I was gonna get it on with his mom and was actually his dad because that si frakked up?) Still, it's a classic. I've only seen one episode of SCC, didn't really suck me in...kept meaning to give it another try but now it's cancelled so oh well ( ... )


lostacanthus June 5 2009, 19:02:52 UTC
lol I saw parts of it when I was younger, but never really wanted to watch it cause I thought Linda Hamilton was just so ugly x) She's..actually not as bad looking as I remember.
I only caught one episode of SCC on TV and really liked it. Sarah was hallucinating and seeing Kyle and I was like, drooling over Jonathan Jackson lol. I wanted to start watching it recently, but it was on Fridays and I work Fridays and have no DVR! SUCKS. Guess it doesn't matter much now though.. And that's part of the reason I haven't watched Dollhouse like, at all. Work. :|

Yesssss I got it :DDD

Christian Bale > Michael Keaton.
YES. I really like Michael Keaton and all but...yeah. It's weird since I saw the new ones before watching the old ones and it's like, the new ones are SO much better/nicer/different. It's ridiculous.

I hate her teeth too. And just the way she talks. saklfjasl hate it!

At least we know where their budget went!


_parttimeninja June 5 2009, 17:57:56 UTC
It's been so long since I've seen Terminator, I need to rewatch. (T2, on the other hand, I have seen manymanymanymany times. Like...so many times I can quote chunks of it. X) )

I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who prefers Batman Returns to Batman. Kim Basinger is too squealy and has really unfortunate 80s hair. Michelle Pfeiffer, on the other hand, is just awesome. Obv. MP won't be reprising the role, but if Catwoman isn't in the next Christian Bale Batman movie I'll have to put a hurt on somebody. I mean, she was even hinted at it the last one! It's gotta happen.


lostacanthus June 5 2009, 19:20:24 UTC
Everything about Kim Basinger was annoying.
I was so annoyed when she was sitting in the restaurant in the museum and Joker comes in and starts vandalizing shit and she just sits there and watches, and then has like, a conversation with him. I was like WHAT. AND bringing her to the freaking batcave. At least they mentioned that in BR
"There's security to consider! Its not as though we can take it to any Joe's body shop is it, sir?"

"Security? You let Vicki into the batcave. I'm sitting there working then I turn around..and there she is. "Oh, hi Vic. Come on in""

I was like, THANK YOU. lol and I know that's not necessarily KBs fault but...still. Did not like her.


ethe_real_ity June 5 2009, 18:01:50 UTC
I really need to watch the first two Terminator movies one of these days. Because who could turn down a hot guy from the future? XD

Yayyyyyy I can't wait to see what you think of Terminator: Salvation. It's actually kind of a whole bunch of nothing. But Marcus = ©


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