Ficlet: So Near, So Far

Jan 12, 2018 14:47

Title: So Near, So Far
Author: lost_spook
Rating: G
Word Count: 757
Characters/Pairings: Ian Chesterton/Barbara Wright
Notes/Warnings: None
Summary: It’s not quite home, not yet.

For in the 500 Prompts Meme: 423 - dancing beneath the moon - Ian/Barbara (DW).

At AO3 or Dreamwidth.

fannish scribbles, ian chesterton, doctor who, ian/barbara, 500 prompts, ficlet, barbara wright

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Comments 2

ragnarok_08 January 12 2018, 19:57:49 UTC
This fic was just fantastic!!


lost_spook January 13 2018, 20:49:16 UTC


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