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Comments 3

swordznsorcery January 28 2017, 01:15:45 UTC
Somebody wrote you a Georgette Heyer! That's nice. It can't be the easiest fandom to get stories for.

Other people are so much better at tagging than I am. :)


lost_spook January 28 2017, 09:17:34 UTC
Two stories! There was another one, only that was already posted to AO3. I don't ask for it a lot because it's one I'm pernickity about, but Yuletide pretty much always produces some great stuff anyway - there's a steady and talented Heyer fanbase around.

Other people are so much better at tagging than I am.

Awww. The thing with the additional tags/freeforms is a) you don't need to use them! (Some people hate them a ridiculous amount) and b) just think what your story contains that might attract people or possibly require a warning for, and yours wouldn't have much warning needed! Possible tags for that one might be things like "Stealth Crossover" or "Post-canon" or "Future Fic" or you could go rebel and type in your own more random ones. :-)


ragnarok_08 January 28 2017, 04:28:00 UTC
Neat fics :D


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