Things Things Things

Jan 21, 2017 20:32

1. I decided that there's really no point in trying to catch up with
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fannish scribbles, dw_allsorts, hetswap, sapphire and steel

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Comments 8

ragnarok_08 January 21 2017, 23:13:42 UTC
Whoa, that's a great start on the fic :D


lost_spook January 22 2017, 13:55:23 UTC


paranoidangel42 January 22 2017, 09:36:04 UTC
3. I am still dithering on whether to sign up - it depends a bit on how far I've got with my Chocolate Box fic by the time sign ups end. But part of me only wants to sign up if I can be matched to you :)


lost_spook January 22 2017, 13:54:59 UTC
Aww! I'm pondering whether or not to add in OUaT to widen things out a bit, but otherwise us getting matched if you sign up so far is looking likely to inevitable at the moment. Someone else on my flist has requested BFA and The New Avengers, though!

But you don't want to overload on assignments, so, yeah, see how it goes!


paranoidangel42 January 22 2017, 17:38:17 UTC
I've got as far as looking at what I might request and it does include fandoms you don't know (or don't write) so we might end up matchable with other people.


lost_spook January 22 2017, 17:49:11 UTC
Yay, I do like an element of chance and unpredictability in these things! (Not, of course, that us being matched would be a bad thing.)


liadtbunny January 22 2017, 15:40:42 UTC
The world needs more evil wallpaper fic:)

Good luck with hetswap!


lost_spook January 22 2017, 17:49:43 UTC
Thank you! I put that tag in but I may have oversold how much there is about evil wallpaper...


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