Snowflake Challenge - Day 1

Jan 09, 2017 21:54

I wasn't sure whether to do it again or not, because they do keep re-running the same questions, but I saw that the last time I did was 2014, so here goes:

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fannish scribbles, dracula, spooks, doctor who, recs, snowflake challenge

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Comments 9

persiflage_1 January 10 2017, 05:08:08 UTC
I love 'Light on a Hill', and wish there was more of it.

Not that it isn't very good but, more... (I'm greedy!)


lost_spook January 10 2017, 09:20:15 UTC
Thank you! And I know (♥), but there still isn't any more! ;-D


persiflage_1 January 10 2017, 09:53:11 UTC
LOL I know. I don't *expect* more - I just lowkey *want* more!


scripsi January 10 2017, 11:43:37 UTC
I love Salt of the Earth!


lost_spook January 10 2017, 12:36:37 UTC
Aw, thank you! I remember your kind comments from when I posted it. (It's one of those that's probably had more nice comments than I should ever expect... but on the other hand, I still think it's good, and this is my self-rec post... ;-D)


liadtbunny January 10 2017, 15:04:48 UTC
'Salt of the Earth' was fab and different:)


lost_spook January 10 2017, 17:08:35 UTC
Yay, thank you. It's nice to know that my judgement is not entirely flawed in my choices! :-)


paranoidangel42 January 10 2017, 20:40:24 UTC
I remember Light on a Hill. It was good. (and clearly memorable!)


lost_spook January 10 2017, 21:58:48 UTC
Aw, thank you! I can't have chosen too badly... so def. everyone should read them all, lol. ;-D


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