Two more crossover ficlets

Oct 01, 2016 13:08

My Yuletide letter is finally in a better state and only needing some very minor tweaks. Hurrah! And just in time - sign-ups are now open!

This week I managed two more crossover ficlets for the Crossover Meme (I am aiming to get them all done by the time Yuletide assignments go out; if not, I shall have to write them off):

Helping With Read more... )

shadow of the tower, yuletide, dr watson, doctor who, crossover, crossover meme, fannish scribbles, delgado master, blake's 7, sherlock holmes, meme

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Comments 5

liadtbunny October 1 2016, 13:36:20 UTC
Snap! (What you want me to fill in optional details AO3? How could you! Er, have some scrappy prompts anyway).

I've got a proper letter to an actual human to write, otherwise they won't get it until January - everything stops for Yuletide!


lost_spook October 1 2016, 13:38:51 UTC
:loL: This is why I try to get my letter done before sign-ups - then I can just copy and paste the prompt in as well as being able to link to the letter. :-)

*looks smug*


liadtbunny October 1 2016, 13:46:30 UTC
Dedication's what you need:)


jaxomsride October 3 2016, 00:48:15 UTC
Is it bad of me to want more of the Dr Watson/ Master crossover?


lost_spook October 3 2016, 07:58:39 UTC
I think it's very flattering of you (but I doubt it'll happen)! Thanks! ♥


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