Fannish Things

Aug 27, 2016 08:39

1. The same someone who left nice comments on my S&S fic a couple of weeks ago, has now also done some lovely fanart of Snow White, Blood Red over on their Deviant Art. Nobody's ever tried to illustrate my fics before, so I am all aflail at this & so pleased that she liked it that much. (I liked that one, too ( Read more... )

yuletide, sapphire and steel, fanart, ruby (oc)

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Comments 10

scripsi August 27 2016, 09:49:14 UTC
Lovely fanart! It has happened to me on the rare occasion, and it has been very flattering. Though twice the artist hasn't bothered to tell me, even if they gush about the fic on Deviantart- I've stumbled over them quite by chance. Which I found rather odd.

I think I will dare to nominate on Yuletide this year. 😊


lost_spook August 27 2016, 17:02:01 UTC
I think it's the first time - I do hope my sieve-like brain hasn't forgotten anything! But yes, so sweet of people! And I find that kind of thing odd too. Sometimes people have put amazing comments in a bookmark but not left even a kudos. But everyone's different and I think people have got a lot more nervous about talking to fannish folks they don't know.

Hurrah! Yes, nominate! Welcome to the weeping and wailing over ONLY THREE FANDOMS and ONLY FOUR CHARACTERS, how can you choose? But it is fun, especially if other people say they like those too. :-)


scripsi August 27 2016, 17:55:38 UTC
I guess it's a valid fear to be afraid you will upset a fic author with a picture that may not live up to what the author has imagined. Even if i can't imagine being anything else than flattered.

Yes, three isn't many- though I guess I can understand why, considering how many who participate. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is very high on my list, but I think it's very possible it will be nominated anyway. I can always wait a little and see. :D


lost_spook August 28 2016, 13:20:54 UTC

And you can nominate just 1 or 2 fandoms if you want. Of course, with something like JSMN, even if other people are nominating it, you can always use your nomination to get some extra characters in, which is very helpful too.


liadtbunny August 27 2016, 14:27:39 UTC
How exciting! I like the way they've used red in the art:)

And then there's the choosing of four characters. AAL is easy though;) I hope there are noms for other fandoms I like as I was lucky last year with the abundance of fandoms to pick from. The stress of Yuletide and it hasn't even begun!


lost_spook August 27 2016, 16:59:31 UTC
It is, isn't it? :-)

Why can't all fandoms be as perfect as S&S and AAL!? A good question... (I don't even have my Yule-icon uploaded yet, it's much too soon!)


liadtbunny August 28 2016, 15:20:48 UTC
Indeed! I enjoy seeing the icons that are incongruous to the season:)


a_phoenixdragon August 27 2016, 15:41:58 UTC
Bless, honey - take your time. Sounds like you are rightfully occupied in fannish things. :D (YAY LOVELY ART!! EEEEE!!)



lost_spook August 27 2016, 15:58:21 UTC
NOt really, I just wanted to post those before I forgot! I am still waiting for my glands & head to return to normal. But some Ljing is okay, so I'll live!!


scripsi August 28 2016, 22:27:11 UTC
Well, I'm, considering Ivanhoe. If one is supposed to wish for fics, I might as well wish for one I have wanted to read for years. :) I might get lucky...


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