Fic: UNIT: Lonely House

Aug 22, 2009 22:13

Title UNIT: Lonely House
Author: lost_spook
Rating: Teen (for very occasional language & some angst in future chapters).
Characters: Colonel Crichton, Liz Shaw, Original Characters

SummaryNovember 1985: There’s alien slime and tea and explosions, but that’s just UNIT. Now Colonel Crichton’s trying to wage a war with words instead of guns, Torchwood want ( Read more... )

nat webber, unit, doctor who, 1980s unit, fannish scribbles, tilly holmes, colonel crichton, sergeant kennedy, liz shaw

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Comments 10

belantana August 23 2009, 02:38:45 UTC
In celebration of your new fic, I have finished your old one! Heee, I loved it. Things did get quite nasty towards the end there didn't they, and the running from the bomb countdown was all very Spooks. And I loved Tilly and Dr Webber! Could I beg their appearance in some sort of future fic as The Other Doctor and His Spirited Companion?

Also, Sarah Jane and K9 were great. “So it’s only me that wants to run up and down the grounds having a good old panic?” asked Sarah, making a face. - No, that would be me too. And K9 upon being kicked: “Apologies are unnecessary, Dr Webber. Do not repeat the action.” - Ha! There can never be too many robotic dog jokes.

Anyway, thanks for the great read, and best of luck with this new one, which I'll probably finish reading in a year or so.


lost_spook August 23 2009, 07:16:54 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.

And I loved Tilly and Dr Webber! Could I beg their appearance in some sort of future fic as The Other Doctor and His Spirited Companion?

*points to new story* Although, it's sort of not quite that, but the next one will be. Oh, yes. *bangs head on desk*

So glad you liked Sarah Jane and K9. I've spotted a few not-quite-right K9 lines now, but it was still fun. ;-)


persiflage_1 August 23 2009, 04:50:21 UTC
I'm just off to read it...


lost_spook August 23 2009, 07:17:22 UTC
I saw your reviews - thank you! *awards medal for dedicated fic-reading*


persiflage_1 August 23 2009, 08:06:12 UTC
LOL Thanks. I shall wear it with pride...


primsong August 24 2009, 15:27:58 UTC
This looks seriously cool - I have to leave it til later to read, but it's *definitely* on my must-reeeead-this! list.


lost_spook August 24 2009, 20:43:37 UTC
Thank you! I'm not sure as yet quite how it'll come off. It has a lot of fun and games with UNIT but also gets rather angsty, to say the least. I would say it's a game of two halves, but it has (or will have) 3 parts...


jjpor August 24 2009, 19:06:23 UTC
Great stuff so far - I've said it in the reviews, but it bears repeating - poor Tilly! You really convey her dislocation and awkwardness in her new life, but also her indomitable spirit. And poor Nat! Can't wait for the Colonel to unleash hell on Torchwood for their thuggish shenanigans (well, unleashing hell might be a bit strong, but I bet he'll give them a good talking too!).


lost_spook August 24 2009, 20:56:43 UTC
Thank you very much. :-D I'm glad Tilly's come off all right, since writing her is a bit of a tightrope walk (if that's not a mixed metaphor).

And I can't possibly comment on behalf of Colonel Crichton. In fact, I can't comment on anything at this stage!

Although, when we get there in this fic, I will tell you what I was writing at the same time as writing cake fic when I stopped to read this. Really, they are not things that should be written in tandom...


lost_spook August 31 2009, 20:54:36 UTC
I don't suppose my garbled reply to this comment has recurred to you, but I can now say, that, thanks to this, the Colonel did give Torchwood a talking to.

And also that you posted this when i had just been wrestling with the end of the cake!fic at the same time as trying to write suicidal Tilly in a way that wouldn't go headfirst over the edge of what's acceptable. (As in, there are a lot of sharp implements in a medical lab, for instance). If I came back, saw your nice little comment about her 'indomiatble spirit' and my head imploded, you'll have to forgive me. :lol:


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