WIP Meme

Jan 13, 2016 14:14

I saw a WIP Meme go by. It was slightly different as ever, but the rules keep changing: I just stick to posting random lines from all the current WIPs I'm willing to admit to/might some day get finished...

Both slightly more and less than I thought )

yuletide, writing, doctor who, elizabeth of york, runaway_tales, wips, crossover, fannish scribbles, unconventionalcourtship, sapphire and steel, fannish nonsense, adam adamant lives!, meme

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Comments 14

a_phoenixdragon January 13 2016, 15:31:35 UTC
I love these! Whoot!! Your style is amazing...*is envious*



lost_spook January 13 2016, 17:23:11 UTC
Ha, thanks - and you've nothing to be jealous of, I assure you! ♥


liadtbunny January 13 2016, 16:12:48 UTC
Excellant! Don't know if I dare reveal my WIPS (sounds rude)!

I remember the AAL vicar wedding snippet:)

Richard III IS a Wampire!!! Which makes the Tudor Spies Van Helsing(s);p


lost_spook January 13 2016, 17:25:25 UTC
Well, there's no obligation. There'll be another meme along in a minute!

It occurs to me that the AAL! wedding snippet actually works as a daft piece on its own. I might just post it for posterity as it is and move on.

IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. It explains him being both the super saintliest handsomest shiniest tragicest medieval monarch ever AND a twisted villain who'll kill his nephews. Obv. Every so often I look at it, because it has a beginning and an ending and how hard is it just to write all the middle? (Wait, hard... :lol:)


liadtbunny January 14 2016, 16:33:32 UTC
It does and do:)

We need Tudor vampires! Hammer missed a trick there.


astrogirl2 January 13 2016, 18:04:54 UTC
My TARDIS/Sapphire/Silver/Steel fic. I really should finish that one:

Ooh, yes, want!

Also, I only know the Adam Adamant character from what I've heard about them from you, and I still find that snippet of accidental marriage fic for them delightful. :)


lost_spook January 13 2016, 20:31:09 UTC
Yes, I really should finish typing that one up, because I'm pretty sure it's all done in rough.

lso, I only know the Adam Adamant character from what I've heard about them from you, and I still find that snippet of accidental marriage fic for them delightful.

That is because the show is delightful (and, coincidentally, available on YT at the moment!). *coughs* Sorry.

MInd, I think I did get a little over-silly at the end. Simms would never faint at a moment like that; he'd just come out with a particularly dreadful limerick... (But, as I like to point out, the show's script writers had someone to come in and write the limericks for them, and fanfic writers must either do it themselves or find excuses not to.)


clocketpatch January 14 2016, 02:20:36 UTC
That TARDIS/S&S snippet is absolutely lovely


lost_spook January 15 2016, 17:25:55 UTC
Aw, thanks! Ireally must type it up before the year is out...


sallymn January 14 2016, 08:40:48 UTC
I love the idea of the historical vampire one...


lost_spook January 15 2016, 17:26:40 UTC
It is one that won't quite go away, I will admit. But I really might get eaten alive by Ricardians, even if I managed to write a middle for it. Is it worth it, one asks? ;-)


sallymn January 16 2016, 09:02:37 UTC
Totally worth it {evil grin}


lost_spook January 16 2016, 14:07:12 UTC
Ah, I see - totally worth it if I write it and get eaten by Ricardians, of course. ;-p


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