Fic: Quest Object

Nov 10, 2015 20:44

My entry for who_at_50's 52nd anniversary fanworkathon!

Title: Quest Object
Author: lost_spook
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3859
Characters/Pairings: Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan, Fourth Doctor
Notes/Warnings: Written for hc_bingo square “attacked by a creature”, dw_allsorts prompt “most precious prize” and the who_at_50 fanworkathon, for the Fourth Doctor era.
Summary: Harry and Sarah ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, fourth doctor, dw_allsorts, who at 50, harry sullivan, hc_bingo, sarah jane smith

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Comments 2

llywela13 November 10 2015, 21:16:12 UTC
Thank you! I needed that. :)


lost_spook November 11 2015, 08:43:38 UTC
Aw, thanks. :-)


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