Summer Talking Meme #6

Oct 02, 2015 17:35

From persiflage_1: Which Elements haven't you cast yet, and want to?

Something I hadn't thought about for a long while! When I first watched Sapphire and Steel and fell headlong in love with it and all its weirdness, I also became obsessed with other Elements.

I still don't see how you can not be - the four we know are all fascinating, inhuman, very ( Read more... )

talking meme, elements, jet (s&s), sapphire and steel, copper (oc), fannish nonsense

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Comments 26

persiflage_1 October 2 2015, 18:22:22 UTC
I'd have to cast all my current fave actors as Elements. 'cos I'm boring and predictable that way!


lost_spook October 3 2015, 08:07:40 UTC
Well, I might not be terribly shocked at hearing that, but it's certainly not boring when you have such excellent taste! (I'd ask who'd be which Elements but then you might get accidentally bunnied... Actually, who'd be which Elements? ;-p)

*looks innocent*


persiflage_1 October 3 2015, 14:11:32 UTC
Chances of me being bunnied?

Nil by brain...

I'm just too exhausted and in too much pain.

(I don't know. I'd have to make a list of the un-cast Elements, and then of my fave actors, and match 'em up...)


lost_spook October 3 2015, 16:35:00 UTC
Aw, poor you! *sends hugs*


justice_turtle October 2 2015, 18:44:01 UTC
I love your Copper a lot and I always forget he isn't canon. James Maxwell is just so perfect as an Element. :-)

(I think I've written a grand total of two S&S drabbles myself - I have too much of a weakness for explaining things to get in that writing headspace for long, it's like the ficcing equivalent of holding my breath. But yes, Silver and Lead and OC Elements are awesome! Even though Steel will always be the prettiest. ;D)


lost_spook October 3 2015, 08:10:25 UTC
I love so much that you love my Copper, too. I forget sometimes that he isn't canon and that he is James Maxwell. It comes as a surprise to me this far down the road. (I wonder if I'd ever have watched all this JM if it hadn't been for the weird Copper casting coincidence + ghostliness? I suspect not. I suspect Portrait of a Lady really would have scared me off!)

(I think I've written a grand total of two S&S drabbles myself - I have too much of a weakness for explaining things to get in that writing headspace for long, it's like the ficcing equivalent of holding my breath.

:lol: It's been such a while since I did a proper S&S fic, and I'm grinning now at the reminder - the only fandom where you panic in case your fic might make too much sense or you might have explained too much!! *collapses laughing*

However, Sapphire is the prettiest, but Steel is the coolest, obviously. (Silver is the shiniest). ;-D


swordznsorcery October 2 2015, 19:01:39 UTC
I Transuranicked for Obscure & British last year, but I don't think I cast them. At least, I don't remember doing so! I used Curium, Neptunium and Plutonium. Curium was female, but Neptunium was completely androgynous, which might be why I didn't cast them. Although I have an idea I was thinking of Alfie Enoch as Plutonium.

I was planning a Copper and Jet story a while ago, which was definitely cast. Jet was Josette Simon, and Copper was Steven Pacey. And yes, I had just finished a B7 rewatch!

Mercury would be a great one to use. Such possibilities there.


lost_spook October 3 2015, 08:14:43 UTC
Oh, gosh, and why haven't I got that on my list? (If I can't find things from my own commentfests, what hope is there for me?)

It's funny, lot's of people are particularly into the Transuranics (and, I admit, I had fun trying to write Plutonium for Yuletide) but I'm much more interested in the regular ones. Er. Insofar as there is a regular Element, which is the point. However, I am greedy for all Elements of all kinds in any format, so I approve of other people's curiosity.

I was planning a Copper and Jet story a while ago, which was definitely cast. Jet was Josette Simon, and Copper was Steven Pacey. And yes, I had just finished a B7 rewatch!

:loL: Did it have a lot more exploding of things than S&S usually does? I find it hard to imagine Steven Pacey as an Element, but Josette is totally my Jet, too. I think you should write that fic!


swordznsorcery October 3 2015, 20:00:53 UTC
I don't think it was going to have exploding. I think I was just taken by the chemistry, and felt it a shame that it's never been used in anything else. But yes, perhaps there should be a few more bangs than normal! Can't remember why I chose those elements though. I know there was a reason. Something to do with plot/chemical properties probably, but it was a long time ago!


lost_spook October 4 2015, 08:11:40 UTC
Or because they're one of the few we hear something about, perhaps? Actually, they do interact interestingly via electricity; I seem to remember using that in a Copper and Jet fic. But then an awful lot of 'Elements' have potential interesting interactions & I think the series does hint at that. (Like Sapphire and Steel are the perfect combination, but Steel and Silver balance each other out in useful ways and Lead also complements Steel and Sapphire and Silver are shiny and decorative together, while there's a Jet-Steel and Copper-Silver connection mentioned - and as soon as you look at the properties of those things, there are reasons for all of that & it's great.

*cough* Sorry, did I mention that I got obsessed about it?

Anyway, I think your Copper & Jet sound interesting if ever you did come back to it. (STeven Pacey and Josette Simon do have lovely chemistry - you know I agree on that.)


john_amend_all October 2 2015, 19:42:49 UTC
I don't usually cast actors as my original Elements. I just write them with the characteristics I want them to have, and leave the rest to the casting director. So my version of Arsenic is easy to overlook, like the poison; and her signature yellow colour is taken from orpiment.

I've got Hugo Myatt lined up for if I ever write Iron, though.


lost_spook October 3 2015, 08:17:45 UTC
I didn't set out to do it like an isurrendered meme, but it sort of happened for most of them and I just then kept an eye out for people who struck me as likely Elements while watching all this old telly.

I didn't cast Cerium or Ruby, though, and I only worked out who it was I'd mentally cast as Copper when I coincidentally watched Shadow of the Tower a month later, and it turned out my brain had wanted that guy who played Jackson in Underworld.

I've got Hugo Myatt lined up for if I ever write Iron, though.

Oh, I have a very different Iron, but I can see that! And when you put it like that, I'm also imagining him getting really annoyed at all the waiting. (Do you think that's the best idea? He might send Lord Fear round!)


john_amend_all October 3 2015, 11:44:22 UTC
If I disappear unexpectedly and Lissard calls on you with a ransom note, you'll know what's happened :-)


jjpor October 2 2015, 20:53:31 UTC
Like swordznsorcery above, I'm kind of fascinated by the idea of the Transuranics. I did think of a story where Sapphire, Steel & Silver had to stop Plutonium from doing...something. I think my idea was that s/he would be some sort of embodiment of chaos and entropy, just causing timey-wimey-related death and destruction willy-nilly by his/her very presence and kind of bemused as to why all of this stuff happened when they were around. I'm not sure about casting, though. Other than that s/he would of course wear a greyish suit with a fabulous waistcoat... :D


lost_spook October 3 2015, 08:19:10 UTC
:loL: No wonder Steel thinks Transuranics are unreliable, then!

I would sit here and beg you to write it, but I think I've made enough of a nuisance of myself in your direction over the years, haven't I? /o\ (But still: you should write it!!)

ETA: If only for the waistcoat, you should write it!


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