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Comments 11

persiflage_1 June 7 2015, 14:29:31 UTC
So what happened to your Random Pairings post last night? I finished reading it, clicked reply, and found it'd vanished!

I wanted to comment on the beautiful perfection of Silver/Charley Pollard!


lost_spook June 7 2015, 15:37:47 UTC
I'm sorry! I have been good at not doing that so much lately, but I just posted it and then felt embarrassed and stupid and boring about posting things like that too often and deleted it.

I did keep the pairings, though! I could post it again?


persiflage_1 June 7 2015, 15:40:29 UTC
Aw... Your Random Pairing Generator posts are always such fun, not boring at all... But you don't have to, if you don't feel like it. I've now told you what I wanted to say.


lost_spook June 7 2015, 15:47:15 UTC
Aww. ♥

There were some fun ones in there, so I probably will. I just feel like I might post something more interesting today, except this is very likely me deluding myself! ;-)


swordznsorcery June 7 2015, 19:11:47 UTC
Are many of these fic things AO3-based these days, or is it just that you tend to advertise those ones more, being as it's one of your hang outs? I don't do exchanges anyway, but lately I'm feeling even more like a relic of a previous era than usual! :)


lost_spook June 7 2015, 19:24:11 UTC
A lot of exchanges in particular are AO3 based, because, being fan-run, it was set up to enable people to run things on them & it makes it easier on the mods. They can let the software run matches rather than go through everybody's emails trying to do it by hand. Plus, people are split between multiple platforms, but there's a lot of shared use of AO3, so you can crosspost admin stuff across Tumblr, Dreamwidth and LJ, but still run it in one place.

So it's just really useful for multi-fandom exchanges in particular? Things within one fandom, or just ficathons/fests are more likely to be still run via LJ or Dreamwidth or Tumblr and just have an AO3 collection (or not).


swordznsorcery June 7 2015, 20:15:49 UTC
Gotcha. That makes sense!


a_phoenixdragon June 8 2015, 03:41:11 UTC


flowsoffire June 9 2015, 20:59:03 UTC
Yay! :)


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