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Comments 15

eve11 February 13 2015, 14:38:29 UTC
Pimped! As for icons, I just have this one, but feel free to snag it :)


lost_spook February 13 2015, 17:29:19 UTC
Aw, thanks! It's a lovely one! Now if I can find about another dozen-ish, I'll be good! :-)



oonaseckar February 13 2015, 14:43:58 UTC
Have a nice rest! You must be knackered! What a marathon of a task for you.


lost_spook February 13 2015, 17:30:08 UTC
Oh, this sort of thing isn't too bad. Once you've got the guidelines drawn up, it mostly sort of happens & sometimes people help with the pimping. It's a small thing I can do at the moment! :-)


liadtbunny February 13 2015, 15:39:35 UTC
Good luck with the fest:D

You can use my icons, but as they're largely of Twelve they're probably not much use!


lost_spook February 13 2015, 17:31:32 UTC
Thank you! I just trawled yours, and you did at least do Kate and Osgood. I suppose really I either need to leave the idea or go back over dwicons and find someone who has made some to ask, but I'm lazy and shy. :-)

I stole a whole heap of Classic minor characters, though, plus Kate and Osgood. <3


liadtbunny February 14 2015, 16:15:25 UTC
I only did Kate and Osgood because I was asked - bad fan! I'm glad you managed to find something usable though:) And non- Robots of Death related!


swordznsorcery February 13 2015, 15:53:00 UTC
I have a profusion of Jack icons, but that's no use, I know! Would any of redscharlach's be any good? Hers rock. Probably not the right characters though.

Ninth and Tenth eras

Eleventh era.

Have a good weekend. :)


lost_spook February 13 2015, 17:33:46 UTC
Oh, I wouldn't use her mini icons, they're too iconic - also I'm trying to avoid landing up on the LJ of someone I don't know and begging permission to use their icons for a banner. Mind, it's probably what I will have to do, but I need photo-ones, really, to mix and match with what I already have.

Thanks, though! And, yes, why did you waste your time with Jack and not make me any of Jackie and Wilf? That was not very forward thinking of you! ;-p (Not that I forward thought, either, or I might have made some non-classic icons at some point.)


swordznsorcery February 13 2015, 18:53:36 UTC
Because I loathe Jackie, and although I liked Wilf, I hated the show at that point! Sorry. :p I have such an awkward relationship with the new series. Somebody must have done something though, right?! There's people out there who make the most amazing icons. You must kidnap one. How are you at violent intimidation?!


a_phoenixdragon February 13 2015, 19:01:46 UTC
Whoot!! Rock on, bb!!


*Runs to pimp!!*


lost_spook February 14 2015, 08:46:44 UTC


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