Vid: Let Me Inside (Survivors)

Jan 22, 2015 13:50

I made a vid! Or to be more accurate, I finally finished the very last bit of a vid that's been sitting neglected on my pc since July or something. It's Survivors, and I originally started it for
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greg preston, abby grant, survivors, vidding, 1970s, hc_bingo, terry nation, fanvids, jenny richards

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Comments 7

a_phoenixdragon January 23 2015, 03:27:16 UTC


lost_spook January 23 2015, 17:21:47 UTC
*hugs back*


liadtbunny January 23 2015, 16:15:40 UTC
The music as well as the song fits the vid perfectly:) Not terribly cheery though!


lost_spook January 23 2015, 17:21:29 UTC
Thank you! ♥ And, no, not terribly cheery at all! That was why I abandoned it for so long. I was making a big sort of evilly cheerful Survivors vid at the same time, but I'm not sure what to do about that one - it's nowhere near finished & I lost impetus.

I think I'll just vid Adam and Georgie instead! ;-)


liadtbunny January 24 2015, 15:41:42 UTC
Yes! No! Give us a head start first;p


flowsoffire January 25 2015, 21:13:45 UTC
Very nice vid, dear, very emotional ♥


lost_spook January 25 2015, 21:23:42 UTC
Aw, thank you! ♥


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