
Dec 26, 2014 10:00

*waves* I'm having a nice time, if inevitably tiring, but am popping up to say that Yuletide is as awesome as ever & I have two great gifts, one in the main collection & one in Madness, both S&S.

All At Sea (2789 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sapphire and Steel
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: ( Read more... )

yuletide, frank marker, sapphire and steel, recs

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Comments 15

persiflage_1 December 26 2014, 10:15:21 UTC
Well it definitely wasn't me! Sorry! But I am glad you got some fun fics! And thank you for Deerskin, which I have begun reading, but it's going slowly 'cos my Muse is running mad!


lost_spook December 30 2014, 20:02:12 UTC

And thank you for my present! I got home late this afternoon, so have opened it at last - and thank you very much!! *hugs you* (You got me Children of Green Knowe). Hope you had a good Christmas, too.


persiflage_1 December 30 2014, 20:05:27 UTC
I'm glad you're home safely - hope you're not too exhausted in consequence of the trip!

Enjoy re-reading "Children"!

I finished Deerskin. A very slow-burn book - but intriguing...


lost_spook December 30 2014, 20:10:31 UTC
I'm v tired, but okay! (Well, at the moment, I'm still in the light-headed stage where I don't know what I am and I babble at the drop of a hate. But I went home, I had a nice time, and I came back and I don't think it should take me too many days to start picking back up, so, a win basically.)

Thank you! ♥

Good! :-)


flowsoffire December 26 2014, 14:36:17 UTC
Yayyy, great you got some good stuff! Merry late Christmas to you :) *hugs*


lost_spook December 30 2014, 20:02:20 UTC
Thank you!


liadtbunny December 26 2014, 14:44:48 UTC
I'm glad you got some nice Yuletide treats:) It wasn't me though - I think you'd be able to spot my prose style a mile off anyways!


lost_spook December 30 2014, 20:03:53 UTC
Thanks! I did wonder about you, when I saw what it was & the tags, but I don't recognise the prose style at all! That's what's throwing me. But so much of the Public Eye stuff I've posted has been under flock, it can only be a flister, really.


a_phoenixdragon December 26 2014, 15:38:36 UTC
YAY, OMG!! Nothing like good fiction (made for YOU) to make the holidays that much better!



lost_spook December 30 2014, 20:04:24 UTC
Exactly! <3 Hope you had a lovely Christmas!


ladymercury_10 December 26 2014, 19:48:52 UTC
Glad to hear your Yuletide is a good one! :)


lost_spook December 30 2014, 20:04:42 UTC
It is! I hope yours is as well. ♥


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