Avengers Picspam ("The Superlative Seven" 1967)

Sep 28, 2014 18:27

I realised recently that I obviously had never picspammed this episode of The Avengers, which I watched early this year. I don't know how eager you all are to see James Maxwell in a silly costume, but there is also Emma Peel. No excuse is needed for picspams involving Diana Rigg as Emma Peel, obviously. Her awesome is reason enough in itself ( Read more... )

patrick macnee, john steed, 1960s, picspam, emma peel, james maxwell, diana rigg, brian blessed, avengers (uk)

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Comments 22

lycomingst September 28 2014, 18:10:40 UTC
Not to mention Charlotte Rampling and Donald Sutherland! I have to say that Steed can really work that uniform.


lost_spook September 28 2014, 19:08:07 UTC
Yes, there were some other people in it. I meant to mention that, but James Maxwell's hat was so silly I forgot. ;-)

Steed is rocking the regency uniform, definitely.


shannonsequitur September 28 2014, 20:52:26 UTC
Oh man, that IS Donald Sutherland! Clearly preparing for his role in the Hunger Games films, too.


john_amend_all September 28 2014, 18:31:46 UTC
Brian Blessed and Hana Wilde the sharpshooter discover James Maxwell deaded by spear

Looking at that particular shot, I can sort of see what the Powers That Be were driving at when they asked Mr Blessed to be the Second Doctor (assuming they actually did and he isn't just telling tall stories).


lost_spook September 28 2014, 19:08:36 UTC
It looks Doctorish, you think?


john_amend_all September 28 2014, 20:37:11 UTC
I think you could get to the Doctor from there, if that makes sense.


flowsoffire September 28 2014, 18:50:20 UTC
Picspam looks great! :) Emma Peel is too cute.


lost_spook September 28 2014, 19:09:08 UTC
Thank you! Emma Peel is gorgeous, witty & deadly, and a 1960s feminist icon. What more can you ask for? :-)


flowsoffire September 28 2014, 19:10:43 UTC
:D Full of winnnn…


swordznsorcery September 28 2014, 19:35:26 UTC
Brian Blessed just doesn't look right without the beard! I was quite flummoxed by that when I first saw an episode of "Z-Cars" many years ago. He's even more baby-faced in that than he is in these pictures, albeit less colourful.

Exhibit a:

... )


lost_spook September 29 2014, 07:37:25 UTC
Aw, wow, that is a seriously young Brian Blessed! I'm not sure I believe that's real. ;-p

I don't think either Steed or Mrs Peel let being a secret agent interfere with important things like their wardrobe. They're kind of famous specialist secret agents, anyway, aren't they? I think. I only saw 12 episodes. She has a whole selection of jumpsuits like it - navy, pink, orange...

liadtbunny is a terrible person. She probably somehow caused me to like David Collings, too, by some sort of time travellings backwards osmosis.


swordznsorcery September 30 2014, 06:56:22 UTC
It's defnitely real! But it might not be the Brian Blessed. I think there's two of them. The black and white one, who was quite ordinary and normal, and not at all shouty, and the colour one, who has his volume turned up to twelve, and is nearly twice the size of every other human. I think perhaps he ate the black and white one.

My "Avengers" era is that of Ian Hendry in a suit, and only about two and a half episodes saved from the burninator, so I can't really comment on whether Diana Rigg is famously secrety. I can't imagine that she'll be staying secret for very long dressed like that - but then Torchwood manage to be secret with a huge truck with flashing blue lights and "Torchwood" written on the sides, so who am I to judge?


lost_spook September 30 2014, 07:16:11 UTC
I don't think it's colour that's the key; he was fine and non-shouty in Public Eye in 1973 and that was in colour. I think maybe BRIAN BLESSED ate Brian Blessed, and that's what happened?

:loL: Torchwood aren't secret at all - everyone in Cardiff knows who they are by S2 and that's even with their scary amnesia drugs. And UNIT have a big sign outside their HQ just in case you were wondering if they were a top secret military outfit and who their CO was. TV burnination is hard, though.


gillo September 28 2014, 20:02:21 UTC
I love this. Almost better than watching it. Brian Blessed must have still been in his Fancy Smith days then,and much less shouty.


lost_spook September 29 2014, 07:38:36 UTC
Yes, much less shouty. Or maybe he was just deaded before he could shout very much. :-)

And thanks! Glad to amuse with my pictorial old TV nonsense!


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