Doctor Who Fan Trailers

Sep 02, 2014 17:03

For the best bit of DW, naturally. ;-p

The first is more dramatic, the second is my favourite, but then it is for the best DW season:
Seventh Doctor Trailers )

fanvids, seventh doctor, ace, doctor who, 1980s

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Comments 8

paranoidangel42 September 2 2014, 20:26:32 UTC
I like how the first one just gets more and bigger explosions.


lost_spook September 3 2014, 07:09:41 UTC
I know! They always said the late 80s/early 90s SFX team were just really keen on blowing everything up... and those two have to be the biggest actual explosions in the whole of DW, surely! :lol:


jaxomsride September 2 2014, 23:01:52 UTC
Interesting trailers. Oh dear the Bertie Bassett monster from the Happiness patrol is there to remind us Old Who can get just as silly as the New.


lost_spook September 3 2014, 07:08:47 UTC
:-) (And, shh, I think The Happiness Patrol is amazing, and not silly, and the Kandyman is an awesome creation, even if he did look suspiciously like Bertie Bassett!)


oonaseckar September 3 2014, 10:10:32 UTC
Sheila Thingummy! (John Thaw's wife?) She was a Who baddie? *boggles* And the Bertie Bassett Baddie!?! Nothing boggles the mind quite like Who. I think I'd stopped watching by this point, Peter Davison was probably my last Doctor pre-reboot.

Also, "Get off my world!"... "Get orf my lawn! Blasted kids!"


lost_spook September 3 2014, 13:27:24 UTC
Sheila Hancock and Bertie Bassett (aka The Kandyman) were both in The Happiness Patrol, the marmite serial of Classic Who. (In that people like me think it is an awesome metaphorical thingy and other people think it is all that is wrong with 1980s DW and has Bertie Bassett in it, which is the unforgivable crime. They're wrong, of course. :lol:)

I think a lot of people stopped with poor old Colin, but it got excellent again before the end.


a_phoenixdragon September 4 2014, 02:03:03 UTC
OMG...these were both so, so EPIC!! And yet, even as I love the music for the first one, the second one is so much better all around. Ohhh, Seven! I need to rewatch you soon!



lost_spook September 4 2014, 07:46:32 UTC
Yes! The second one is just... well, it's Season Twenty-Six, isn't it? It's awesome. :-)


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