Fic: No Bones Broken, No Harm Done

Jul 26, 2014 20:59

Title: No Bones Broken, No Harm Done
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 1395
Characters/Pairings: Frank Marker/Helen Mortimer
Notes/Warnings: None.
Summary: The last thing Frank wants is tea and sympathy; it only complicates things.

For the
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fannish scribbles, helen mortimer, frank marker/helen mortimer, frank marker, hc_bingo, public eye

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Comments 6

eve11 July 26 2014, 23:00:35 UTC
This is a lovely scene. Even if you don't know the fandom, it tells you enough that this could really be an original piece very easily, with the serial numbers filed off :)


lost_spook July 28 2014, 06:53:26 UTC
Aw, thank you! :-)


oonaseckar July 27 2014, 07:26:46 UTC
Oh, poor Frank - and his runaway peas! And blushing, the sweetheart.

And Mrs Mortimer and her womanly wiles. *clucks tongue* I think Frank is doomed, really. Aw, makes the reader want to just coax Frank along very gently, right up the aisle...


lost_spook July 28 2014, 06:55:35 UTC
He blushes even when old ladies kiss him unexpectedly. :-)

Aw, makes the reader want to just coax Frank along very gently, right up the aisle...

Ha, thanks - I must have got something right, as this is pretty much how I feel watching S4. ♥


dimity_blue July 28 2014, 23:16:42 UTC
“It’s no problem,” said Helen, and gave him a full smile in return. “Wouldn’t do it if it was, would I?”

Yeah, you would. You would for Frank. ♥

I love this. Helen being concerned and trying not to show too much concern before it frightens Frank off for good, and Frank - poor beaten up and beaten down Frank - downplaying his injuries and trying to be all stoic. I'd smack him upside the head except he doesn't need the extra pain.

Thanks for sharing this. It really was sweet.


lost_spook July 29 2014, 12:15:58 UTC
Aw, thank you! :-)


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