Fic: Tinder-Box (OUaT)

May 23, 2014 17:35

Title: Tinder-Box
Author: lost_spook
Rating: PG/Teen
Word Count: 1322
Characters/Pairings: Regina, Rumplestiltskin (slight Rumple/Regina)
Notes/Warnings: Set early on (not long after the Fairy Tale side events of S2’s “Queen of Hearts”.)
Summary: Some people won’t be told about playing with fire…

For astrogirl2 &
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fannish scribbles, rumplestiltskin, regina mills, once upon a time, 500 prompts

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Comments 3

astrogirl2 June 28 2014, 14:38:41 UTC
Oh, I like this one, too! Great voices, and the bit about Regina's own fire burning her is... Well, it's a perfectly OUaTish metaphor, isn't it? And: "It’s as if she’s a purchase he’s made at the market; one that he’s both gleeful about finally owning and yet worries it won’t work in the way it’s meant to." Oh, yeah. That's pure Rumple.

I kind of can't help wishing we'd also gotten the full story of the thief, as well, though. Because I always want everything. :)


lost_spook June 29 2014, 19:48:05 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

The story of the thief is pretty much the Tinder-Box (though, of course, it's OUaT, so it probably was a little twisted out of the regular story). :-)


astrogirl2 June 29 2014, 20:29:32 UTC
Or more than a little twisted. :)


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