30 Days of [Any Favourite] TV Show - 8

May 07, 2014 19:09

Let's finish this meme, since I've said all I need to in the vid...

26. Favourite quotes

I included a bunch in my big Public Eye post, so I'll just find some different ones I also like, except for this, which is my favourite:

Helen: "A man seems to think all he has to say to a woman is 'I need you' - she'll pack a nightie and a toothbrush and ( Read more... )

helen mortimer, quotes, percy firbank, public eye, frank marker, 30 days of public eye, fannish nonsense, meme

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Comments 13

swordznsorcery May 7 2014, 19:42:09 UTC
I liked your quote from the bank manager, about how much Marker charges his clients. It seemed to sum things up rather well.

Like it or lump it, this is the way I am.

Bravo, Frank.

But dear me, he's a man of time, isn't he! A pint of bitter and a pork pie. Can we make that a glass of water and a vegetable samosa, Frank?! ;)


lost_spook May 8 2014, 16:39:43 UTC
Yes, I probably should have just trotted out my very favourites again, but I didn't want to repeat myself.

But dear me, he's a man of time, isn't he! A pint of bitter and a pork pie. Can we make that a glass of water and a vegetable samosa, Frank?!

If you're offering, he'll probably try anything once (though he may not like it if it's too exotic for him), but otherwise, ha, no. When other people are being obnoxious, he starts glorying in being dead common. :-)


oonaseckar May 8 2014, 17:42:44 UTC
When other people are being obnoxious, he starts glorying in being dead common. :-)
Put 'em on the back foot, Frank...


clocketpatch May 8 2014, 00:40:48 UTC
The magic mug sounds amazing (and looked amazing in the vid)


lost_spook May 8 2014, 16:40:16 UTC
:lol: It's a very useful prop. :-)


oonaseckar May 8 2014, 09:59:45 UTC
Helen: "A man seems to think all he has to say to a woman is 'I need you' - she'll pack a nightie and a toothbrush and run!"
And yet so often it's true, so whaddya do then?

Frank: "Right now, what I'd like to aim at is the nearest pub. Half a bitter and a pork pie. Or is that too ambitious?"
Whatta man, I can see why you like him.

So Mrs Mortimer got the mug from Hogwarts? ...


All I'm sayin', I'm not a Potter-head, but a Hogwarts/PE crossover would be jolly amusing. Maybe Frank as a beaten-down, exasperated Potions master, unintentionally and inadvertently assisting Harry in casually vanquishing Snape or Voldemort?

Oh look, everybody else on the parade ground just stepped back. Thank you for volunteering, lost_spook!


lost_spook May 8 2014, 16:42:51 UTC

All I'm sayin', I'm not a Potter-head, but a Hogwarts/PE crossover would be jolly amusing. Maybe Frank as a beaten-down, exasperated Potions master, unintentionally and inadvertently assisting Harry in casually vanquishing Snape or Voldemort?

You don't need a crossover to get Alfred Burke in Harry Potter - he is in it already. For all of about five seconds in Chamber of Secrets, he was the previous headmaster, Armando Dippet & there's a portrait of him in Dumbledore's study.

But otherwise I don't think I'm up to writing Harry Potter crossovers!


oonaseckar May 8 2014, 17:36:42 UTC
Armando Dippet, lol, Rowling does have her moments I have to concede.

Sadface though! 'Harry Potter & The Mysterious & Ultimately Unresolved 70s Human Drama' really ought to exist... Maybe with Frank recognising Voldemort as a previous client who'd done a Reggie Perrin from the Muggles' HMRC.


lost_spook May 9 2014, 13:00:05 UTC
I suppose it would leave option for fic where Frank was really Armando Dippet's son, but it would be hard to imagine and quite cracky and I don't know if Frank would want to be involved in such a thing.

But yes. :lol:


liadtbunny May 8 2014, 14:40:34 UTC
Good job Frank's tall otherwise he could have ended up with Lonely's mac! Thames weren't good on mugs in 'Callan' either, unless Callan was nicking china from Section's office.

You'll have to do the other 30 questions now. Be obsessed with another show - it can't be possible;)


lost_spook May 8 2014, 16:43:53 UTC
I'm obsessed with lots of TV! ;-p


dimity_blue May 8 2014, 21:40:15 UTC
I think the mug counts. It had a lot of significance...especially to Frank. I love that they kept on changing the mug though. :oD

Thanks for all your posts on this - it was interesting to read.


lost_spook May 9 2014, 13:02:08 UTC
They were quite good about the mug for most of S5 and all of S6 - they were just a bit shaky about managing not to lose/break it around the beginning and the end of its time. But it is amusing. (I tell myself in S7 that it means that he did actually see Mrs Mortimer again and she gave him a new one. But probably not really.)

Aw, well, I'm glad of that. It's very nice to have LJ as a place to waffle about the things you can't in rl, so it's good it wasn't too dull for everyone else!


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