Fandom Stocking

Jan 11, 2014 20:26

I'm sorry, I ended up being tired all the time and not posting. Anyhow,
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ruth evershed, doctor who, fandom_stocking, recs, public eye, fannish scribbles, spooks, look and read, icons, blake's 7, sapphire and steel

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Comments 6

persiflage_1 January 11 2014, 20:55:05 UTC
I never seem to hear about FS in time to do anything for folks.


lost_spook January 11 2014, 21:01:00 UTC
Aw, well, there's always so much else on this time of year, isn't there? I had a stocking up and I still nearly didn't get anything done till the end!

Anyway, do admire my new Ruth/Harry icon - I know you will appreciate it properly! ;-)


persiflage_1 January 12 2014, 06:31:05 UTC
Very pretty!!


lost_spook January 12 2014, 13:05:10 UTC


justice_turtle January 11 2014, 21:44:25 UTC
*finds self humming Dark Towers theme tune* That is such a ridiculously awesome little miniseries. :D


lost_spook January 12 2014, 13:04:55 UTC
Hee. *looks evil*

... whoops, now I've got the tune in my head too...


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