Fic: Fair Warning (Kaldor City)

May 24, 2013 20:57

Title: Fair Warning
Author: lost_spook
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1715
Characters/Pairings: Kiy Uvanov/Ander Poul
Notes/Warnings: Set shortly before Occam’s Razor (and after Corpse Marker). Kissing for devious reasons; Uvanov being insensitive about robophobia/Poul's mental state etc.
Summary: Uvanov’s not sure what Poul wants. He just wishes he’d shut up ( Read more... )

kaldor city, doctor who, poul/uvanov, kiy uvanov, 500 prompts, fannish scribbles, blake's 7, ander poul

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Comments 9

liadtbunny May 25 2013, 14:13:18 UTC
Yay, that was great \o/. Poul sounds very sane, I think Chris Boucher would like that. And Uvanov being Uvanov, don't worry Poul he's indestructible(!).

Magic Bullet should commission you to write Kaldor City stories set before KC got eaten up (if they have any money):S Or the Beeb for Eleven(12?) visits Kaldor City, I'd like to see that, I think it would work well.

P.S. The "not my fault" tag on AO3, made me laff:D


lost_spook May 25 2013, 16:07:11 UTC
Thank you! I thought I'd better get on and post it after I kept saying I'd written it... ;-)

Eleven in Kaldor is an interesting idea...

The Not My Fault tag is Not My Fault; it was an already existing canonical freeform. ;-p (And this wasn't my fault, it was the fault of a certain person who gave me the prompt!)


liadtbunny May 25 2013, 16:14:18 UTC
I dunno who could have thought such a thing;p

It came out well so it was a good idea after all! And the world needs more KC fic and Landerchild wasn't killed off in your fic.


jjpor May 25 2013, 19:09:45 UTC
I liked this very much - Poul and Uvanov are both very well-drawn. I knew what was going on because I've read the novel "Corpse Marker", but I've not listened to any of the Kaldor City audios - a bit of searching around about them, however, leaves my interest very much piqued (and another - somewhat more prominent - Blakes 7 character kinda-sorta shows up in them, eh?)


lost_spook May 25 2013, 19:48:25 UTC
Thank you! :-)

And, well, Paul Darrow's in it, but I don't really subscribe to the Iago-is-Avon theory. I think he could plausibly be Avon's brother, though - that would make quite a lot of sense. Kaldor is a lot of devious and snarky crackiness, basically. Bring your own unlikely theory to the party. :lol:


clocketpatch October 31 2013, 01:13:33 UTC
I'm very happy that this exists.


lost_spook November 1 2013, 08:23:39 UTC
Thank you! :-) (Have you heard them all now and are you as baffled by the last one as everybody else?)


clocketpatch November 1 2013, 13:00:07 UTC
The one where Iago is - without explanation - inside of Blaise's head, and they're both in a random Storm Mine, and Kaldor City is fallen, and NOTHING is explained? I had to find an online commentary to figure out what the heck was going on (apparently the whole episode is about them being absorbed by the Fendahl?) and I'm still baffled.


lost_spook November 1 2013, 13:10:31 UTC
Yep! That's about right! I mean, I did realise about the Fendahl, but... what? I'm sorry, did you just end the universe by accident? *is also baffled*

Still, D84 was in it! Or whatever he was called this time.


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