Fic: Literary Blackmail (DW)

Mar 07, 2013 17:57

Title: Literary Blackmail
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 684
Characters/Pairings: Jo Grant, The (Delgado) Master
Notes/Warnings: None.
Summary: If Jo’s going to work with the Master, she knows it needs to be on her terms, not his. This is bad news for the Master.

For jjpor in the 500 Prompts Meme - #271 bribing the devil - Jo Grant & the Master ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, delgado master, doctor who, jo grant, 500 prompts, ficlet

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Comments 27

persiflage_1 March 7 2013, 18:33:35 UTC
*falls over laughing hard*

This is just utterly priceless!


lost_spook March 7 2013, 21:47:55 UTC
Thanks! :-)


rahirah March 7 2013, 19:00:33 UTC
I <3 Delgago!Master. :D


lost_spook March 7 2013, 21:48:08 UTC
Aw, thanks. :-) Me, too!


femme_slash_fan March 7 2013, 19:41:39 UTC
I like this Jo! She's a badass.


lost_spook March 7 2013, 21:48:48 UTC
Thanks! After all, she'd already threatened him with nursery rhymes, so... ;-)


taiyou_to_tsuki March 7 2013, 20:24:19 UTC
Delgado!Master would read Depressing Russian Literature. And believe Raskolnikov to be completely in the right (and probably weak-minded for giving in to conventional morals, hah). Besides, he's probably read it already - he seems too aware of the irony not to have (seriously, there was no other reason he was reading War of the Worlds in Frontier in Space than the fact that the title tickled him).

This was a fun read. No, Miss Grant, obviously he's not so easily cowed, he just has vastly superior taste in literature... :P


lost_spook March 7 2013, 21:51:29 UTC
Oh, yes. And of course he tried C&P, he just thought Raskolnikov was far too weak and moral all the way through, and wondered at a human coming up with a concept that only really fitted him anyway, and of course disagreed violently with the ending. He wrote a letter about it to the Times while he was in prison. The editor declined to publish it. (I love that he likes reading books in Frontier - given that and Jo's nursery rhymes, you can see where this story comes from).

And, er, thank you, I mean. :-)


akashasheiress March 7 2013, 20:31:14 UTC
Good one! I could totally hear Jo's voice in my head.


lost_spook March 7 2013, 21:51:44 UTC
Aw, thanks! :-)


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