Fanvid: Scarlet (Once Upon A Time )

Feb 24, 2013 13:36

A Once Upon A Time S1 vid for Red, Snow & Charming. This was made for
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vidding, snow white, fanvids, red riding hood, once upon a time, prince charming, red/snow/charming

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Comments 16

astrogirl2 February 24 2013, 14:35:51 UTC
It says the video is private and won't let me play it. :(


lost_spook February 24 2013, 16:46:44 UTC
*sheepish* I've made it public now, a small detail that might help...!


astrogirl2 February 24 2013, 17:09:54 UTC
Yay! And I like it. It's a good song choice, especially for Red, but I like the way you've related it to the other two, as well.

*goes to watch it again*


lost_spook February 24 2013, 17:26:54 UTC
Aw, thank you! I really loved the song when I stumbled over it and it kind of frustrated me - I think there's something I wanted to do with it that I didn't quite, but I don't know. (Vidding is strange!) And I did think about making it solely for Red, but it was a good one for bringing out the connections between them as well.


dbskyler February 24 2013, 17:46:41 UTC
I love it! Really well done, and I love the music too.

I thought I'd seen most of Once Upon a Time, but you found a lot of scenes that I don't remember seeing. Obviously a structured re-watch is in order!


lost_spook February 24 2013, 19:26:53 UTC
Aw, thank you. :-)

And, heh, I suppose that is one of the points of vidding, though - to pull out moments that people hadn't noticed. I ripped clips from quite a lot of episodes, but I think they kept coming back to Red-Handed, Heart of Darkness and the last two (though there are some others).


honeynoir February 24 2013, 22:24:36 UTC
OH THIS IS AMAZING! *flails* Also, that song is perfect...


lost_spook February 25 2013, 09:54:48 UTC
Oh, thank you! :-) And, yes, I was thrilled when I unexpectedly fell over the song while looking for one for them.


liadtbunny February 25 2013, 15:10:50 UTC
Lovely! Great song choice. I liked all the linking through capes and made me feel a bit like shipping red/snow!


lost_spook February 25 2013, 17:16:09 UTC
Aw, thanks. :-) Red and Snow are cute together.


fray_adjacent12 February 26 2013, 15:08:38 UTC
Yay! Nice work, I liked the repeated motif of the characters in red.


lost_spook February 26 2013, 17:40:51 UTC
Thank you! :-)


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