Fic: Wrong Turning (B7)

Feb 11, 2013 20:52

Title: Wrong turning
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 743
Characters/Pairings: Deva, Roj Blake
Notes/Warnings: None. (Possible spoilers for Blake.)
Summary: Deva had been unwisely assuming that his leader knew what he was doing…

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fannish scribbles, roj blake, deva, blake's 7, 500 prompts, ficlet

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Comments 6

paranoidangel42 February 11 2013, 21:59:44 UTC
I like Deva in this, with him following Blake in more ways than one and being paranoid about the great outdoors.


lost_spook February 12 2013, 17:19:23 UTC
Aw, thank you. :-)


astrogirl2 February 11 2013, 22:04:46 UTC
“I was following you.” Deva shifted, not wanting to think about how true that was in other ways as well. “Perhaps I shouldn’t?”

Well, that is classic B7, right there. :)


lost_spook February 12 2013, 17:19:51 UTC
Thanks. :-) That was my favourite line, too. It is B7, after all.


dimity_blue February 13 2013, 18:02:59 UTC's not safe indoors either.

This is good, as well as being sad and a little bit ominous. You do tend to write unnerving stories, and you do it very well.

Thanks for sharing.


lost_spook February 13 2013, 20:47:20 UTC
No, or not in this particular base, it isn't... 0_o

Thank you! And, heh, I never thought of myself as a writer of unnerving stories before, but you're not the first person who's said that lately (or about this fic), so it must be true...


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