Update - and I have a fandom stocking

Dec 06, 2012 17:43

I am a little better, but finding it oddly difficult (I get all tearful, it's v silly) to do some of the things that are usually the easier things. So forgive me if I don't reply/catch up just yet. I might post something later, see how that goes. (I am like a Blue Peter presenter these days, I seem to always have several Things I Made Earlier to ( Read more... )

fandom_stocking, fannish nonsense

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Comments 11

persiflage_1 December 6 2012, 18:39:28 UTC
Aw, I don't think it's THAT rambly. It's very you, though! *cuddles*

I wish I had enough brain to write you something but, alas, my head's stuffed full of Bond. (Darn that shiny new fannish obsession!)


lost_spook December 6 2012, 19:50:49 UTC
Don't worry! You keep me company online and read my strange fics (BT permitting) and much as ficlet-y goodness is nice, that's worth everything. ♥

Besides, shiny new fandom is shiny.


persiflage_1 December 6 2012, 19:59:20 UTC
Aw... Thanks. I ♥ you!

It's very shiny - and big - and fun! (And people like my fics. Always a plus!)


lost_spook December 7 2012, 09:27:33 UTC
Hee, full of people with taste, then? ;-)


pitry December 6 2012, 20:25:50 UTC
*hugs* and hurrah! \0/

It doesn't read that lighthaded to me! But then, I caught Monday's post before you took it down and it didn't either, so maybe I'm to blame ;)

Anyway, hurrah!


lost_spook December 6 2012, 21:29:52 UTC
YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR EVERYTHING. Okay, that sorts that out. Now can you stop doing everything? ;-p

Thanks. And... I can tell. But I think probably I sound more like that more often than I want to admit. *hugs*


pitry December 6 2012, 22:04:29 UTC
Well, see, that's a good thing then! We can all write you off as a light-headed Polliana and continue our merry way!

(I'll stop if I get some chocolate :P)


lost_spook December 7 2012, 09:28:25 UTC
*passes the virtual chocolate*

And good look with all your papers!


dimity_blue December 7 2012, 18:49:46 UTC
I don't think it's that rambly. You included all the important points, like what or who you want. :oD

I have a West Wing rec for you though. I don't remember Ainsley being in it, but it's Sam-centric, gen, h/c, angst, and rather sweet. It's one of the best pieces of West Wing fic I've come across, and it's called The Air Stings Like Autumn. It's also rather long, so you might want to save it (assuming you want to read it) until you've got the energy for it.


lost_spook December 8 2012, 12:20:13 UTC
Oh, thank you! :-) I shall indeed bookmark it (or maybe even print it off) - I had a quick look and CJ and Josh are randomly planning to invade Canada, so I approve. :-D


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